Focus On Southridge People: Robert Spielman of Southridge Partners II LP (Formerly Southridge Capital and Southridge LLC)

Robert Spielman, one of Southridge Partners' (formerly Southridge LLC and Southridge Capital) Portfolio Managers is a one of the more interesting conversations one can have. Robert has taken his talent, clever mind, education, and passion for inves

Robert Spielman, one of Southridge Partners' (formerly Southridge LLC and Southridge Capital) Portfolio Managers is a one of the more interesting conversations one can have. Robert has taken his talent, clever mind, education, and passion for investing in "diamonds in the rough" to a level at Southridge where he has made himself a viable member of an already impressive team.

Robert started with Southridge in 2006 as an intern from The Harvey School. Throughout college, Robert continued to work with Southridge and was eventually offered a full time position. Robert is one of those special breeds...a young entrepreneur with the instincts of a wizened Wall Street veteran. From is early beginnings, to his current work, Robert wants to see more companies get the chance they need and grow into something they were meant to be. But he doesn't stop there. Robert wants companies to pay attention to their environment and community, and be responsible companies that can essentially "pay it forward." A "green" trader? Not really, Rob says, just a responsible one!

Robert started his career back when he was only 15 years old in Ridgefield, CT running his own car detailing service. He would distribute fliers throughout the town, and even get his friends involved. "I always felt like you can make money if you spend time looking for the opportunities, surveying the neighborhood. Once I saw something that people needed that was not being done...I jumped in with both feet first." This is when he caught the eye of Stephen M. Hicks, the CEO of what was known at the time as Southridge Capital Management. Steve Hicks eventually offered Rob and two other kids from the local high school internships. "Southridge Capital was looking for talented kids and normally hired three interns a year. When I found out that I had been picked, it was one of the more exciting days of my life!"
The students would learn about the basics of markets, macroeconomics, Business administration, and so many other essential business skills. "Steve was fair and pretty easy going...but when it came to ethics, corporate citizenship, and honesty, he was very strict. He didn't mind if you made mistakes...he only cared that you were honest and would present a problem rather than hide it."

Eventually, Robert came back to Southridge full time after college. Steve Hicks immediately put Robert in a role where he could use his entrepreneurial fervor and his instincts for finding businesses with solid ethics and businesses practices to use. "Steve told me that I reminded him of himself at my age..I was blown away. Here is a guy that I have always looked up to giving me one helluva a compliment that just encouraged me to want to do better!" And he did. Today, Robert is researching and helping identify companies for Southridge that are solid and undervalued...they just need some help reaching their full potential.

Of late, Robert has begun to include a company's environmental record and practices into his consideration. "It just makes sense," says Robert, "If a company is responsible environmentally, then they tend to carry that responsibility into their ethical practices, business practices , etc etc." Robert also states that you have to think of the environment in everything you do. "We only have on planet...I want to be partly responsible for not only the success of Southridge and its clients, but also responsible for knowing that we did things the right way!"

Next week, Rob will talk about how small companies are discovered and considered for financing and other services, and his take on how senior management at any firm can create more ambition and productivity through simple good leadership. To learn more about Robert Spielman, Steve Hicks, and Southridge, please read more on the website, Twitter and Facebook.