Fly Concorde in Surrey

If you never got the chance to fly Concorde whilst it was in service, don't despair, just head to Surrey and check out the world's first Concorde flight simulator, which will allow visitors to 'fly' the iconic aircraft across the globe....

If you never got the chance to fly Concorde whilst it was in service, don't despair, just head to Surrey and check out the world's first Concorde flight simulator, which will allow visitors to 'fly' the iconic aircraft across the globe....

British Airways' first commercial Concorde flight flew from London Heathrow to Bahrain on 21st January 1976, creating aviation history.

Now, the Concorde fleet is grounded and the aircrafts have been placed at museums around the world, but if you want to experience the thrill of what it would have been like, check out the simulator.

It isn't just a mere fairground attraction either - all British Airways Concorde pilots were trained on this simulator.

Concordes are the only aircraft in the world that can fly at twice the speed of sound, meaning that a trip from London to New York would take a mere three hours as opposed to more than seven hours on a normal aircraft.

Each of the Concordes were partly built at Brooklands Museum in Surrey, which is now home to the simulator too.

It also provides a home for the Concorde G-BBDG, the first aircraft to fly 100 people at twice the speed of sound.

Previously, the simulator was only open to aviation professionals who were using it for training, but, following renovations, it is now open to members of the public too.

And, unlike many simulators, this one does not move, instead relying on detailed graphics to recreate the 'flight.'

And, like Concorde, a flight on the simulator won't come cheap - expect to pay either £139 or £395, depending on whether you choose a one or two hour experience.

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