Five Sparrows Offers New Landing Page Packages with QR Codes

Website development & online marketing firm Five Sparrows, LLC today introduced new Landing Page Packages for small business and non-profit clients.

Website development & online marketing firm Five Sparrows, LLC today introduced new Landing Page Packages for small business and non-profit clients. The basic package includes a custom landing page, hosting, data storage, custom sub-domain, SPAM-protected contact form, and a custom QR code for use in other marketing materials. Package add-ons are also available, including mobile-enabled versions, additional pages, stats tracking, and a content management interface for making updates.

"Today, users who click on an ad or e-campaign expect to be taken directly to that information - not to a home page where they have to hunt around for something," said Lauren Hobson, President of Five Sparrows. "Our new landing page packages make it easy and affordable for small businesses to implement custom landing pages, which in turn can dramatically improve conversion rates for clicks, leads, new sales, and also improves ROI."

In addition to the basic landing page package, Five Sparrows offers several add-on services that can be added to any landing page package, including mobile-enabled landing pages, additional web or mobile pages (for micro-site or stand-alone), traffic and visitor stats tracking, and a content management interface that makes it easy to update and change a landing page in-house.

"With the explosive growth of mobile, I think using targeted landing pages will become even more important. Mobile users don't want to surf a regular website on their mobile phones, they want information tailored specifically to them and created specifically for the device they are using," said Hobson.

The popularity of QR codes is also contributing to the demand for custom landing pages, since users have to "land" somewhere after snapping the code with a mobile device. For instance, a QR code on a bus schedule could lead users to real-time scheduling delays or route changes, or a QR code on a new car window sticker could take users to specific info on the car, plus videos or online credit apps, etc.

"The new landing page packages are designed to help clients take advantage of emerging technology (like mobile and QR codes), and helps them deliver a better customer experience while boosting their success rates," said Hobson.