Five-A-Day Findings Spark Debate

A recent study has come under fire after it questioned whether five portions of fruit and vegetables per day were enough to help prevent cancer.

A study of over half a million Europeans has suggested that those who eat "five-a-day" - that is, five portions of fruit and vegetables - are only 9% less likely to contract cancer than those who eat less than 2.5 portions of fruit and veg per day - and on average, eating 2 extra portions per day only reduces the overall risk of cancer by 2.5%.

The study, run by the EPIC project, suggests that the campaign to get people eating five-a-day, which was initiated by the World Health Organization, overstates the role of fruit and vegetables in cancer prevention, and that more drastic measures - such as giving up smoking and drinking - are more likely to have an impact on your health.

However, cancer research campaigners have fought back. Cancer Research UK have issued a response, suggesting that 5 portions may not be enough. They point out that those who ate 8 portions or more enjoyed an 11% lower risk of cancer - and that there is a "dose-response" effect which means that the more fruit and vegetables people ate, the lower their risk of cancer.

They also point out that the results still confirm the hypothesis that fruit and vegetables can help prevent cancer, and that they also have health benefits above and beyond the prevention of cancer.

Health-food retailers have also been quick to respond. "We sell fruit-based products on the basis that fruit is generally tasty, healthy, and enjoyable to eat," says Caroline Fernandes, owner of Healthy Supplies, which sells health food online at "Food should be celebrated, rather than reduced to a functional role in preventing specific diseases."

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