First Sustainable Seafood Home Delivery Service Opens Online

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San Francisco, CA - i love blue sea (, the world's first direct-to-customers sustainable seafood shipper, opened its doors this week and began accepting orders.

i love blue sea is unique, in that while it maintains a wide product selection of top-quality seafood items, it refuses to sell any seafood that is either on the Greenpeace USA "red list" or that has received an "avoid" recommendation by the prestigious Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch Program.

Although humans have been fishing the oceans for thousands of years, over the past five decades technology has allowed us to fish farther, deeper and more efficiently than ever before. Scientists estimate that we have removed as much as 90 percent of the large predatory fish such as shark, swordfish and cod from the world's oceans. In 2003, the Pew Oceans Commission warned that the world's oceans are in a state of "silent collapse." Some fisheries, however, are sustainable, often increasing their overall yield due to successful management and responsible harvesting.

While other seafood retailers force consumers to do the legwork in determining what is and what is not a sustainable option, the team at i love blue sea takes this responsibility upon themselves. Customers are able to shop with confidence, knowing that there are no mistakes to be made when it comes to sustainability - all products have been vetted by outside parties and were chosen based on independent, third party scientists. All items available are listed along with their country of origin and an explanation of how they were caught or farmed.

A fish is filleted or chosen immediately before it is shipped out overnight priority to anywhere in the continental United States. Everything ships from their warehouse in San Francisco, where the Bay Area's top sushi restaurants also buy their fish.

"Our goal is nothing short of changing the way the entire seafood industry works," says Martin Reed, founder of i love blue sea. "Fully adopting sustainable seafood is the only way that we will be able to save the oceans, and the bounty they offer, for future generations."

About i love blue sea

i love blue sea
1459 18th Street, #268
San Francisco, CA
