Firm Supplies Turnkey SEO Package for Online Business

A Finnish company Akado announces a new SEO package sufficient to rank business sites.

The current world of e-commerce requires optimized web pages to secure the most traffic possible, and Akado, a new SEO company announces a package sufficient to rank a business site. The firm explains its SEO package on the site, defining it as the only SEO action you need," stressing that it services eliminate the need for the business itself to concentrate on anything other than producing quality products and services. In exchange for a one-time payment, the package is a project that performs search engine optimization on a streamlined, express basis to boost the ranking position of the site, and optimize the pages on site.

The website notes that many businesses are turning to closed ended, turnkey SEO packages to avoid ongoing expenses involving SEO experts, who may or may not perform well over the long term, or after numerous Google updates. Choosing a current package may also work out better than using standalone software suites to improve a site's ranking, says Akado, since the labor may be customized for the particular site, and work manually performed in a manner that is compliant with current updates, and can pass muster with Google's current preference toward natural site improvement.

Many other SCO firms are likewise expressing an interest in providing value and specialized attention to their clients, while containing the man-hours spent on a project in order to provide an affordable package. As one rival executive summarizes the trend, "client and service experience are crucial to us. We think of present deals as value addition, which we are providing to our clients. We want to communicate their value to us and the importance that we give to their business." Akado further focuses on client satisfaction by restricting its projects to a length of six weeks.

The website accordingly only briefly describes this package and provides a quick option form so that the company can explain their traffic needs and get started right away. Akado announces the goal is to minimize the time company needs to dwell on web traffic building themselves, so they can concentrate on their business. Improved traffic and ranking are projected to come in a reasonable period of time, with the firm stating "You will get first results 2 weeks after we start, and they will grow during the next 2-3 months." Akado expects to update their SEO package strategy as needed the face of future Google updates.

About Akado Oy
