Firefox 4 Review (BETA)

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Firefox 4 browser then saw the menu is in firefox

If you have upgraded to Firefox 4, you might have encountered this problem the browser does not remember the tabs you had open just before you quit the program. There are a number of ways to restore this behavior.

Mozilla default start page for Firefox 4 includes a restore previous session button that you can click to reopen all the tabs you were using before you closed the browser. But if you have changed your default hame page to something different, the restore previous session button does not appear. Firefox has other methods to get those tabs back. One way is to go to the browser History menu and choose the restore previous session option.

If you wan Firefox to automatically reopen your pages from your previous browsing session all the time, you can make an adjustment in the program settings. On the Windows version, click the Firefox button and choose Options from the menu (on the Mac version, go to the Firefox menu and select preferences ).

When the option preferences box appears, click the general tab and in the drop-down menu next to " When Firefox starts", select " Show my windows and tabs from the last time". Mozilla has more information on Firefox 4 session restore feature ( including potential privacy issues) on its site.


Blok D-T04-U12
Presint 5,
