Fintech Innovator IKINDI Announces Scaleable Cloud Data integration Management Product for Barclays POINT Historical Data Migration, A Process Fraught with Challenges

The IKINDI KTier™ data integration management product is critically timed for asset managers migrating from the sunsetting POINT to Bloomberg PORT and/or another POINT alternatives.

IKINDI Inc. the innovative FinTech leader in enterprise investment data integration and data management solutions in the cloud announces the release of KTier™ product enhancements for its Intelligent Data Highway product in support of Barclays POINT Sunset and the Historical Data Migration.

Transitioning from the 20-year-old Barclays POINT, companies while going through selecting alternative(s) to POINT, have to deal with the migration of historical data…all within the tight POINT sunset timeline. Companies have to determine how much of the history is required and then how to process this historical data; whether to store in a repository or load in the alternative platform(s). Both approaches present their own challenges for reconciliation and reporting.

"Recognizing these complex challenges in executing historical data management migration, our release includes significant capabilities to assist companies with the mechanical and operational aspects of extracting, transforming and reconciling data between systems," says IKINDI CEO Fouad Habboub.

The IKINDI product, using operational automation in the cloud, can rapidly work through such challenges as:

  • Reconciliation and confirmation of complete and accurate transport of data from one system to another
  • Identification and remediation of anomalies/differences outside of flexible tolerances (e.g. individual and/or compound exception rules)
  • Smart use of tools and management of history loads to meet firm requirements post-migration without extensive cost/resourcing this would otherwise incur
  • 'POC Fatigue' - facing a resource limit on the number of systems a firm is willing (or able) to put through a rigorous "proof of concept" analysis
  • Effective comparison of report outputs from one system to another when different models and terminology are used

Using the IKINDI KTier™product, companies can leverage an out-of-the-box functionality interfacing with alternative platform(s) which eliminates costly manual steps for extended historical data loads," says Habboub, noting that IKINDI has pre-configured functionality that expedites:

  • System-to-system reconciliations of position, analytics, performance, attribution, and risk data
  • Outlier identification (data elements that exceed user defined multi-factor rules such as compound min/max, absolute difference, percent differences etc).
  • Standalone interrogation of data enabling independent source comparison
  • User identification of specific fields to be selected for reconciliation/validation

The IKINDI KTier™ cloud data management dashboard has date-bound override capabilities which allow for specific portfolio defaults and can be overlaid with further security-specific exception processing. Leveraging the KTier™ platform, additional analytic comparisons and workflows can be performed for incremental systems improving data quality and timeliness while reducing operational overhead and risks.

To learn more, download our Barclays POINT Transition Journey Map e-book or contact IKINDI directly if you are interested in a POC.


IKINDI is the innovative FinTech leader in enterprise investment data integration and data management solutions in the cloud with offices in New York and Ireland. Comprised of former industry insiders that managed business lines (Performance/Attribution, Operations, Technology) for global Multi-Asset Class Investment Management Firms, IKINDI's mission is to be a first to market out-of-the-box products for the business process integration data highway, with a focus on Performance & Risk business systems.

Secure, scalable, affordable, fast and reliable, IKINDI empowers clients and vendors alike to complete painful operational change such as new system deployment, integration of acquired business operations, migration of services such as middle office outsourcing, replacement of key systems due to be sunset (such as Barclays POINT for Fixed Income clients), and provides a framework for data-validated enterprise reporting. The IKINDI KTier™ serves institutional and retail investment management firms, retirement plan providers and banks to streamline and optimize their day-to-day business flows on a continuous, changing basis.

About IKINDI Inc. - FinTech Cloud Data Management

Founded in 2000 by investment and technology professionals with deep expertise in Fixed Income, Equities, Derivatives and Real Estate, iKindi's space is 'in the middle' working with investment management firms and their technical and operational service providers to restore work flows and integrate new products and services through the use of iKindi's suite of data integration solutions. iKindi is

IKINDI Inc. - FinTech Cloud Data Management
250 Park Avenue
New York, New York

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