Financial Education Benefits Center Offers Diabetes Supplies Benefit to Cut Costs of Managing Illness

​Getting a diagnosis of diabetes might catch anyone by surprise, and getting diagnosed as an adult may be especially difficult. It may be hard for many adults to change long-ingrained habits in order to manage their disease. Indeed, changing one’s lifestyle can be a challenge in addition to finding the money for the additional costs of treatment and management. Financial Education Benefits Center (FEBC), a membership benefits company, offers health-related benefits, including discounts on diabetic supplies for eligible members to make managing diabetes easier.

“Even for people who knew they were at risk, a diabetes diagnosis can be hard to adjust to,” said Jennifer Martinez, Manager at FEBC. “Our new benefit approaches the issue from the financial side. We hope our benefit can keep a little extra money back in people’s pockets when they purchase supplies to manage their diabetes.”

We understand that diabetes can be the type of illness that requires a lot of vigilance and management. And we know there are costs associated with all the supplies needed for that. The FEBC diabetes supplies benefit has been added to our wellness benefits for eligible members to address that need.

Jennifer Martinez, Manager at FEBC

The diabetes supplies benefit offers diabetes management supplies packages at prices that are likely lower than average prices. FEBC members who sign up for this benefit can choose a supplies package that’s right for them. Members order a specific plan according which package they need, and the package is shipped to them on a monthly basis. Members can change the package they receive to better work for their health needs or cancel their monthly delivery at any time.

For those who do not have diabetes, it may be helpful to talk with health professionals about the risk for the disease, so if a diagnosis does come it’s not quite as surprising. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes, and while Type 1 is usually diagnosed in children, adult-onset Type 1 diabetes does exist.

“We understand that diabetes can be the type of illness that requires a lot of vigilance and management,” said Martinez. “And we know there are costs associated with all the supplies needed for that. The FEBC diabetes supplies benefit has been added to our wellness benefits for eligible members to address that need.”

About Financial Education Benefits Center

Financial Education Benefits Center is located in San Ramon, California. The membership company has already helped thousands save money and obtain the necessary education required to live a financially healthy life.

Financial Education Benefits Center has partnered with several name brand third-party companies to expand the financial and educational products and services available to its members and to provide a variety of wellness services as well.


To learn more about Financial Education Benefits Center, please contact:

Financial Education Benefits Center
2010 Crow Canyon Place Ste. 100
San Ramon, CA 94583

Source: Financial Education Benefits Center

About The Financial Education Benefits Center

The Financial Education Benefits Center is located in San Ramon, California. The Company has already helped thousands of people save money and obtain the necessary education required to live a financially free life.

The Financial Education Benefits Center
2010 Crow Canyon Place Ste. 100 , #100
San Ramon, CA

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