Financial Education Benefits Center Offers Comfort to Pet Owners With Discounts on Emergency Vet Services

SAN RAMON, Calif., April 24, 2018 ( - Taking a pet to the emergency room should be all about helping the animal get better. However, ER vet trips can be expensive and owners often balance worry about the pet and worry about the costs. Financial Education Benefits Center (FEBC), a membership benefits company providing health and financial wellness to members, offers a veterinary discounts benefit aiming to help take the cost out of pet care decisions.
"There's nothing worse than having to take a loved one to the emergency room," said Jennifer Martinez, manager at FEBC. "When you take a pet to the ER, you shouldn't have to weigh treatment decisions against cost."
When you take a pet to the ER, you shouldn't have to weigh treatment decisions against cost.
Jennifer Martinez, Manager at FEBC
Emergency vet bills can run into the thousands, leaving owners wondering how they can minimize costs while not sacrificing the care their pet needs. Some owners who know they cannot afford an expensive emergency vet trip may decide against one even if their pet is clearly in distress. While not every out-of-the-ordinary symptom warrants an emergency trip, owners should know when it's necessary to take their pet in.
Once at the vet, owners should be transparent with their vet about their finances. Vets may be able to offer alternative treatment options to balance care with costs. Other advice to deal with emergency vet costs may be to get pet insurance or a form of specialized credit. However, discounts can also help offset costs and may even work in tandem with the other methods. FEBC members have access to pet care discounts, including discounts for emergency services at participating vet locations.
"Taking a pet to the vet is never stress-free," said Martinez. "With our benefit, we try to reduce the financial stress so that our members can focus on getting their pet the care they need to recover."
About Financial Education Benefits Center
Financial Education Benefits Center is located in San Ramon, California. The membership company has already helped thousands save money and obtain the necessary education required to live a financially healthy life.
Financial Education Benefits Center has partnered with several name brand third-party companies to expand the financial and educational products and services available to its members and to provide a variety of wellness services as well.
To learn more about Financial Education Benefits Center, please contact:
Financial Education Benefits Center
2010 Crow Canyon Place Ste. 100
San Ramon, CA 94583
Source: Financial Education Benefits Center