FEW Seminar in Denver: an update from the front line

Mike Farrell, with aspenibiz, recently attended a Forex Early Warning seminar in the Denver, CO area. He provides an overview of the seminar and highlights innovative training approaches used by Mark McDonnell, Chief Forex Market Strategist at FEW.

"Mark is definitely a leader in the Forex community and is passionate about providing low cost spot Forex training and trade plan services," said Mike Farrell, with aspenibiz, after attending a one day Forex Early Warning seminar conducted by Mark McDonnell, Chief Forex Market Strategist at FEW.

The training session was delivered in an instructor lead format (which is rare these days) with significant face-to-face interaction however all of the materials were presented online from the FEW website and associated blog. There was a significant amount of supporting materials such as detailed lessons and trading tips to read and study, pictures of trading screen setups highlighted on Flickr, and Youtube videos of previous training sessions that can be accessed in the future, as a refresher.

The seminar started by Mark highlighting that the Forex market is a $4T market and the largest market on the planet. Due to the liquidity, and the fact that this market is open 24 hours a day, the currency market should be considered by anyone pursuing alternative wealth creating strategies.

In addition, Mark provided a warning that there is a lot of "junk" on the web related to training and trading the Forex market. He said to do your homework before you go too far with any one training provider, trading platform, or broker.

Mark's approach is to provide 35 free training lessons on his website and these lessons are of the highest quality. He then discourages you from signing up for his trading service until you have reviewed his 35 lessons and paper traded the big lights, and trend trading approach, he advocates.

"He delivers a 1st class seminar," said Farrell as the seminar was concluding. Over 60 people traveled from all over the USA and Canada to attend this seminar on a recent, beautiful fall Saturday, at the Radisson Graystone Castle in Thornton, CO which is one of the northern suburbs of the Denver area.

You can find out more about the Forex marketplace and this Forex Early Warning seminar by reading updates that will be posted at Farrell's blog over the next few weeks which is at http://aspenIbiz.blogspot.com

Farrell, a former engineer with General Dynamics and management consultant at Deloitte ... is on a mission to empower individuals by increasing their financial literacy, improve their ability for personal sustainability, and contribute to the program that has a goal of creating 100 Millionaires by 2012.

He favors a recent quote from Steve Forbes. Forbes says "financial education and empowerment is the key to recovery from this ongoing financial crisis.

In addition, Farrell invites you to:

Meet him at: www.facebook.com/mifarrell

Follow him at: http://aspenIbiz.blogspot.com

Watch him at: www.YouTube.com/user/MikeAIB

When not traveling for business or pleasure, Farrell operates his own internet marketing company and consulting firm from his home in the mountains of Colorado.