Festival Season to Bring More Than Great Culture to the Region

Noosa's festival season has kicked off with three major events which are expected to ramp up local tourism figures. It began with the Ultimate Sports Festival, followed by the International Food and Wine Festival, and the Noosa Longweekend Festival

Noosa's festival season has kicked off with three major events in as many months, which are expected to ramp up local tourism figures.

It all began with the Ultimate Sports Festival last weekend, soon to be followed by the International Food and Wine Festival in May and the Noosa Longweekend Festival in June.

A leading accommodation identity on the Sunshine Coast says the back-to-back events each month will do excellent things for local tourism.

Stay in Noosa General Manager Dave Langdon says Noosa economy thrives on tourism, and the festival combo will give the industry a major boost.

"Despite these months falling in a typical off-peak period for Noosa, the iconic events will attract thousands of guests to the region," Mr Langdon says.

"It's a win-win for travellers as they get to attend a prestigious international event, while also getting excellent value with their accommodation.

"Travelling off-peak allows people to get the best price for most exceptional rooms in Noosa that are ordinarily highly sought after in peak holiday times."

Mr Langdon says each festival draws different demographics to Noosa and all three seem to be outdoing themselves this year compared to previous events.

"Noosa Ultimate Sports Festival served up the ultimate mix of sporting events and got all kinds of sport enthusiasts up to our sunny shores," Mr Langdon says.

"The Food and Wine festival will celebrate their 10th anniversary in a big way with many new events being introduced to the program for food lovers.

"The Longweekend Festival is a 10-day event filled with culture, literature, food and fun set in various locations around the region."

Mr Langdon says the Food and Wine Festival has always been a major draw card for visitors to Noosa, but this year will see record numbers attending.

"Festival-goers will rub shoulders with hundreds of world-renowned chefs and winemakers at the festival and it's to be the biggest yet," Mr Langdon says.

"Being such a prestigious annual event in a foodie paradise like Noosa, the International Food and Wine festival is always a hit.

"However, I'm anticipating that the number of guests attending the event this year will blow previous figures out of the water."

After kicking off with the Ultimate Sports Festival on 27 and 28 April, the festival season awaits the International Food and Wine Festival from 16-19 May and the Noosa Longweekend Festival takes from 14-23 June.

Stay In Noosa is providing discounts to those attending the International Food and Wine Festival, for more information visit www.stayinnoosa.com.au/events/

Stay in Noosa offers personalised service and exceptional deals on quality and affordable waterfront accommodation at Noosa.

The family-business operates Las Rias and Noosa Quays on the Noosa River and the Cove Noosa and Little Cove Court nestled in the rainforest at Little Cove Beach near Noosa National Park.