Fashionista Paris Hilton Smokes E Cigarettes To Respect Her Fathers Wishes?

Richard Hilton gave his daughter Paris an ultimatum to stop smoking or find a safer alternative to smoking. Wouldn't you know it, Paris Hilton now smokes the Solar Cigarette to curb her nicotine cravings.

Paris Hilton has been spotted in many popular night clubs smoking the Solar Cigarette instead of traditional cigarettes. She started using the Solar Cigarette and has been using the E Cigarette for about 1 month now. She is currently respecting the wishes of her father Richard Hilton and has stayed away from smoking tobacco cigarettes.

Read More On Why Paris Hilton Switched To The Solar Cigarette =======

"These new E Cigarettes have made a huge impression on a ton of celebrities in the recent months but now it looks like they have made their way to the fashion industry as well. Paris Hilton is now smoking E Cigarettes because her father didn't like her smoking traditional cigarettes so she decided to find a healthier alternative to smoking and wouldn't you know it, she chose to smoke the E Cigarette."

Read The Story On How Richard Hilton Laid The Law Down On His Daughters Smoking Habit:

"Apparently, Paris' dad, Richard Hilton, was not happy about her casual smoking. She decided to make everyone happy and switch to e-cigs to satisfy her nicotine cravings. Paris Hilton is known for her party animalistic instinct and as always been in top of new trends. And the fashion princess has been spotted with e-cigs in hand instead of the regular cigarettes that it used to accompany her before. The lovely Paris has been using her e-cigs everywhere, including some of LA's best nightclubs."

"Now, let see where else can she use her new sidekicks. For starters, she can shop to her little heart content and smoke right next to all those designers' frocks and not worry about burning anything. Besides, Paris doesn't need to stop her shopping to run outside the mall and take a drag. How cool is that! Another advantage for the Hilton heiress is she would not crash her car to any wall trying to light up a cigarette! Those poor cars sure get banged a lot and I can just imaging the smell since Paris loves to smoke inside. Perhaps this young entrepreneur and business woman can produce her own line of e-cigs: Paris Hilton Smokeless!!!!! Paris Hilton is joining other celebrities like Daisy Lowe and Nikki Reed in to pursue an alternative way to smoke without breaking the smoking ban in California."


Read the rest of the story at


The Solar Cigarette is providing a great alternative to smoking for Paris Hilton and is providing smokers with the opportunity to smoke indoors and avoid the public smoking bans. Paris Hilton now smokes indoors and the night clubs she is attending and also smoking the Solar Cigarette right in front of popular fashion designers without causing any discomfort to them while she smokes.

The head of Solar Cigarette states that this is just the first step to living in a smoke free world. The goal of Solar Cigarette is to provide smokers with a safer and healthier alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes at the same time giving the freedom to pick up the Solar Cigarette and puff on it without giving off second hand smoke to anyone near them. If Paris Hilton can smoke the Solar Cigarette in bars and nightclubs without catching heat for it, so can you.

The head of Solar Cigarette is currently offering a 14 day trial for smokers so they can experience the joys and benefits of living a smoke free life. Smokers now have the opportunity to try out the Solar Cigarette and be on their way to achieving their goals of quitting smoking for good.

For more information on this unique smokeless cigarette device visit: