Fashion News Live, Spring 2011

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Alisha Miele
Fashion News Live

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Vice President of Mercedes-Benz USA, Geoff Day shares exclusive details behind Lincoln Center's Hottest New Lounge.
New York, New York - 10/9/2010 - Fashion News Live got the exclusive fashion hook-up at the VIP star lounge inside of the Lincoln Center where we met and interviewed the Vice President of Mercedes-Benz USA, Geoff Day. It was explained that this private and unique lounge is not open to anyone and everyone. Geoff being great pals with our host and executive producer, Rocco Leo Gaglioti, invited us in and shared some hot details behind this elegant lounge at its new location (Lincoln Center).

Geoff described that the Mercedes-Benz star lounge is a private VIP area that is invite only. As fashion shows enhance and change each year, so does the decorative theme behind the star lounge. This year, IMAN inspired the entire look and design of the lounge. There is a vintage, yet modern feel inside the room. Stress is left at the door when you enter this calm and relaxed get-away place. The star lounge is a great place to temporarily escape and get away from fashion show chaos throughout the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week! Amazing doesn't end here as the lounge also caters delicious and appetizing foods to their guests. A place cherished by many A-list celebrities such as Jessica Simpson, Meryl Streep, Heidi Klum, Justin Timberlake and more.

Geoff has worked for Mercedes-Benz for 10 years and describes the ever-changing lounge at its new and established Lincoln Center location as luxurious and spacious. This is one star lounge that has earned all of our five golden stars.

Fashion News Live is the ultimate online resource to find exclusive celebrity and fashion designer interviews, beauty tips, industry updates and much more. Unique in its format, Fashion News Live seeks out interviews and behind the scenes access to bring the online community into the worlds of fashion and entertainment. Video blogging and syndicating our content to outside networks has enabled Fashion News Live to have a reach of over 500,000 unique visitors a day.
