Farming the Future: Jack Uldrich to Address Leading Agrochemical Company in Arizona

Phoenix, AZ, January 11, 2017 ( - Phoenix, AZ, January 10, 2017 (Newswire) - Agricultural experts concur that farmers will need to grow as much food in the next 50 years as they did in the past 10,000 years combined if we are to sustain our planet’s population.
By the year 2030, the world's population is estimated to increase from the current 7.3 billion to 8.5 billion. By 2050, it is projected to reach 9.7 billion. Feeding the planet is a top priority for leaders in the agricultural industry.
"It's a brave new world regarding technological advances in agriculture."
Jack Uldrich, Agriculture Futurist
Futurist Jack Uldrich regularly speaks to agricultural sector leaders, and on January 15, he will address a leading multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation on the issues they will face in the years to come. His keynote address will focus on how they can "future-proof" themselves in the face of the growing populations' demands.
Uldrich says what it boils down to is that farmers, ranchers, and researchers need to future-proof their operations by spending more time thinking about it.
"It's a brave new world regarding technological advances in agriculture," says Uldrich.
When he speaks, he discusses a broad range of technology applied to the industry. Uldrich points to numerous products early adopters are embracing, including, gene editing, Big Data, artificial intelligence, Wearable technology, Augmented reality, 3-D printing, Nanotechnology, Robotics and Sensors attached to real-world objects, collectively known as the Internet of Things.
Agriculture is just one of Uldrich's areas of expertise. He also regularly addresses clients in finance, education, insurance, retail, and manufacturing.
His recent keynotes and workshops include the 2016 InfoAg Conference, the 2016 Colorado Agriculture Summit, 2016 Illinois Farm Bureau President's Conference, Minnesota Dairy Council, Land O’Lakes, and Case IH, among others.
In February, he will be addressing the Dairy Business Association, Agricultural Production Executives Association, Agricultural Production Executives Association, Ag Partners, and Northwest Farm Credit Services, respectively.
More information on Jack Uldrich's speaking and writing is on his website.
Source: Jack Uldrich & The School of Unlearning