Farmers Diversify Into Housing Horses

Unused barns could be turned into professional indoor stables to help farmers struggling with finances.

Many farmers across the UK are feeling the pinch as money they receive for milk or beef has fallen in recent years. Some experts believe the reduced cost is down to greed by the supermarkets keen to make a profit but wanting to charge consumers as little as possible. Others argue that the decrease in cost is due to the increased efficiency in farming methods.

There was a time when near 100 per cent of the people had to be growing food to feed that 100 per cent of the population. That is no longer the case but farmers still claim to be struggling.

Many are thinking of diversifying and for some an old barn is the answer to their prayers.

Unused barns are being turned into professional indoor livery stables. This is easily obtained with the right equipment and some investment which is quickly returned. Many farmers rent out the livery space privately and in some cases to veterinary practices.

Cheval Liberte, based in North Wales are experts in this field.

A company spokesman said: "Internal stables are ideal for people wanting to convert or partition unused barns. If you have an agricultural building not in use, why not turn it into internal stables to bring in extra revenue?"

There are a number of ranges to choose from including a Prestige, Standard and Premium Collection. Cheval Liberte's internal stabling is unrivalled for strength, durability and practicality in design and construction. The erection of the partitions is straightforward and will cause minimum fuss and disruption to a busy yard.

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