Famous Sofas of the World

Every now and then, the humble living room sofa goes out of its way to gain celebrity status.

The sofa is an important piece of furniture in the home, but it can also play a starring role in the lives of celebrities. The sofa owned by Lady Gaga, which she is completely bewitched by, will obviously lead a less mundane life than most pieces of furniture.

The star herself is larger than life, so naturally her sofa is too. It is even mentioned in the song 'You and I', from her latest album, "Born This Way". She has been quoted as saying that her sofa, a genuinely prized possession, reminds her of a one-time boyfriend with whom she had a happy and loving six-year relationship. Like all furniture, Lady Gaga's cherished sofa may one day become too old for regular use, but no doubt the multi-millionaire will be able to afford a nice storage unit once the item has reached its used-by-date.

Another sofa played a key role in last year's V Festival; UK singer Jessie J broke her foot in a fall while rehearsing, but she was determined that the show go on. To ensure her fans weren't let down, she chose a sofa in the shape of ruby-red lips to support her while she performed on stage. The flamboyant sofa perfectly complemented the Brit award winner's unique style and voice.

In the world of children's TV, there is another sofa (or couch in this case), that is famous in its own right. It is the star of its own television series in Canada, but has also been screened on GMTV in the UK, so its fame is spreading. The series is called The Big Comfy Couch, and features a clown called Loonette, and her doll, Molly. They solve common problems while sitting on the couch, and the episodes are designed to tackle problems that many children face, such as bullying. Other activities in the programme include exercise and dance, but most of the action takes place on the eponymous Big Comfy Couch where Loonette and Molly spend most of the day.

Perhaps the scariest sofa story that found its way into the news is one that took place in Brazil in the spring of last year. It was not actually the sofa that was scary, but what was found behind it. After floods and heavy rain had affected the town of Paraupebas, in the state of Para, a five foot long alligator was found to have taken refuge behind the sofa of a house in the town. It was only discovered when the homeowner found her toddler son patting the alligator on the head, having no idea of the danger he was in! The firefighters who were called to deal with it told the mother that had the reptile been hungry, the little boy may well have been its next meal-so a lucky escape, indeed. The alligator was humanely trapped, and released into a sparsely-populated part of the town.

Most sofas lead ordinary lives, but as these reports show, every now and then a sofa goes just a bit out of its way to gain celebrity status.

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