Famous Smoke Shop Unleashes the Upgraded Cigar Monster 2.0

Leading Online Retailer Releases New & Improved Daily Cigar Deal Website
Cigar Monster 2.0

Famous Smoke Shop, the leading online distributor of discounted premium cigars, specializes in offering the web's widest selection of cigars at the lowest prices. Famous has just announced the release of its new and improved Cigar Monster website. The release marks 10 years of growth and success for the company’s beloved sister site and price eating monster.  Famous Smoke Shop has now utilized its advanced technological offerings to make using Cigar Monster easy and fun, all while saving its customers money.

Features Improved

Visiting the page is like a never-ending trip of deals. Monster lovers are going to love this new site.

Fred Lunt, Copywriter for Famous Smoke Shop

Aside from a dynamic new look, cigar smokers will find several new and improved features, chiefly “Make Your Offer’, ‘Featured Monster Deals’ and ‘Daily Deals’. Formerly known as ‘Name Your Price’, Make Your Offer brings a little excitement to shopping for deals with new animations. Customers will get three attempts to make a deal, so they must choose wisely. The Cigars page is now simpler to use and features the daily deal as well as all featured deals. “Visiting the page is like a never-ending trip of deals. Monster lovers are going to love this new site,” says Fred Lunt, copywriter for Famous Smoke Shop.

A Farewell to the Cigar Monster App

Like all good things, they must one day come to an end. Due to imposing restrictions in the app market, the Cigar Monster App will no longer be active on IOS and Android app stores. While the app, debuted in 2015, has been a faithful companion to customers everywhere, it was time to move on. However, Cigar Monster’s mobile site received a generous bump and is now better than ever for customers who shop on smart phones and tablets.

  To see Cigar Monster 2.0 click here: https://www.cigarmonster.com

 About Famous Smoke Shop 
Famous Smoke Shop is the nation’s #1 discount retailer of premium cigars online, offering one of the largest selections of handmade cigars, machine-made cigars, cigar humidors and accessories. Famous offers the web’s lowest prices on a wide selection of cigar brands including Acid, Davidoff, Macanudo, Romeo y Julieta, Ashton, Padron, Oliva and Perdomo cigars, and many more. Famous offers their customers the best prices on all premium cigars as well as friendly and knowledgeable customer service.

Source: Famous Smoke Shop

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