Faith Family Medical Services, LLC Selects Waiting Room Solutions Family Practice EHR And PM.

Faith Family Medical Services has chosen to implement the Waiting Room Solutions Family Practice EHR and PM software. This Family Practice Specialty EHR will allow the practice to streamline all office functions through its user-friendly interface.

Waiting Room Solutions® (WRS) (, a leading web-based EHR and PM provider, announced today that Faith Family Medical Services, LLC has chosen the Waiting Room Solutions Family Practice Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Practice Management System (PM) for its family medical practice.

Faith Family Medical Services, LLC was founded three years ago by Amanda Price, MSN FNP. This Arlington, TN family practice is staffed with one full-time NP, one part-time PA, one full-time MA and one part-time MA. Price and her staff see patients five days a week for appointments dealing with acute care, chronic care, physicals and weight management. Faith Family Medical Services has not used an EHR system in the past, but was attracted to the cost-efficient, easy-to-use interface of the WRS solution. Through the use of this system, the practice hopes to more efficiently streamline its charting, billing, and credentialing activities.

The Waiting Room Solutions EHR and PM prepares the practice to meet the "meaningful use" criteria as outlined by the Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Meeting these requirements will allow the practice to be eligible for the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) stimulus package incentive program.

Additionally, the Waiting Room Solutions Family Practice EHR and PM has been specifically designed to meet the needs of a family practice. Some of the many features integrated into the software include lab interfaces with Quest, LabCorp and others, e-prescribing and medication management, EKG integration, standardized family practice procedure notes and document management, and an order tracking system. For easy charting, the system includes point-and-click templates and automated ICD/CPT coding to create quick and uniform notes on patient encounters. The family practice-specific templates include those for chest pain, well/sick baby exams, comprehensive pediatric visits, abdominal pain, physical exams, immunizations, health screening, referral letters, and more. In all, the Family Practice EHR and PM provides the tools to successfully manage the day-to-day activities of a family care practice.

Through the use of the Waiting Room Solutions Family Practice EHR and PM, Faith Family Medical Services will be able to achieve its administrative, clinical and billing goals. For more effective charting, the practice will be able to substitute paper charting methods for electronic charting. This transition will open up office space previously occupied by files, and will enhance the readability and organization of records. Price plans to scan all previous records into the new system, which includes special patient intake, privacy policy, assignment of benefits, patient information and health history forms. For new patients, the WRS online patient registration feature can be utilized; forms can then be completed from patients' homes at their own convenience rather than necessitating early arrival prior to appointments.

In terms of billing, the WRS system will allow the practice's billing agency to have complete access to all encounters through the WRS billing module. The WRS auto-eligibility process can be used to assess insurance coverage and co-pay requirements instantly, which is especially relevant since the practice sees walk-in patients regularly. Insurance information and appointment charges will then be carried through from patient charts to the billing and credentialing functions, streamlining the payment process. The WRS solution will also fulfill the practice's electronic prescribing goals; WRS is a full SureScripts Solution Provider, and as such can write and issue prescriptions through electronic connections to the pharmacy. E-prescribing is more convenient for both providers and patients, since it provides more complete medication histories and reduces pharmacy callbacks and time spent on renewals.

"We believe that Faith Family Medical Services will benefit from many of our solution's features, particularly its lab interfaces," said Jeff Hirsch, COO of Waiting Room Solutions. "The practice performs urinalysis, urine HCG, strep and flu tests on-site, and our system's convenient connections to external facilities will allow lab results to be placed directly into patient files in a timely manner."