Facebook Fans Can Drop The Price Of Mobile Game!

Infinite Dreams, award-winning mobile games publisher informed about unusual promo action for gamers. First time in the Infinite Dreams history, fans can drop the price of a game!

Infinite Dreams decided to drop the Sky Force price to 0$ in case of reaching 5000 Facebook fans milestone. It's up to gamers how fast the game will be available for FREE to download on your device.

All you have to do is visit Infinite Dreams Facebook fan page and become their fan. Then invite your friends to join the party and watch how the price go down. If the 'like' counter shows over 5000 fans, Sky Force will be discounted to 0$ for 48 hours.

This unusual promo action for Android and iPhone users was started three weeks ago. In the first day Infinite Dreams Facebook fan page gets 1500 new fans but still 600 more fans are required to achieve the goal. Will you help to FREE the Sky Force?

About Sky Force:

Sky Force from Infinite Dreams is an ultimate classic arcade shooter, with 3D interactive objects, outstanding graphics, special effects, soundtrack and 100% of pure gameplay. Amazingly pixeled levels, tons of enemies to shoot and good old Earth to save!

The game is based on hybrid 2D/3D graphics, ideally suited for mobile segment. 2D backgrounds are mixed with fully textured 3D objects. The game includes 8 stages each one is ended with big boss.

Facebook Fan Page - http://www.facebook.com/idreams.fan