Facebook Fan Page Custom Design Crushing It For Business Owners This July 4 Weekend

The website so many people have been waiting anxiously for has now officially been launched. FanPageInc.com kicks off with a FanPage Makeover for select business owners who will receive $300 instant credit and a free consultation with John Flynn.

The website so many people have been waiting anxiously for has now officially been launched. FanPageInc.com specialized in Facebook Marketing, custom Facebook fanpages and Facebook applications. To assist local business owners who may be new to marketing their business on Facebook, there are instructional videos, articles, links to the company's podcast on iTunes and more content being posted every day. To celebrate Independence Day, business owners can take advantage of $300 instant savings when they enroll in a Facebook FanPage Makeover.

Online marketing expert John Flynn says there has never been a better time for business owners to develop a presence on Facebook. "There is a quantum shift happening online and savvy business owners are outpacing their competitors very quickly by taking advantage of the low cost entry point and viral nature of Facebook Marketing."

Facebook gets more traffic than Google on some days, and averages over 250 million active users per day. It is larger than most countries with some estimates as high as 675 million unique users worldwide. Over 300,000 businesses have a presence on Facebook. Flynn added, "Fortune 500 companies run ads promoting their Facebook pages, and we are tracking dozens of success stories of businesses who are finding Facebook as a viable profit point in their business."

With Facebook, it's possible to create an optimized presence that gets indexed quickly in search engines. Google is not the only channel that picks up Facebook pages, especially since Bing has developed a special relationship with the social network.

In addition, Facebook offers demographic targeting in their advertising which allows a much lower CPC (cost-per-click) than other options like Google Adwords. Rather than target keywords, which are similar to search categories, business owners can zero in on specific demographics within their ideal customer base.

The key for business owners, John Flynn says, is to engage their customer base and leverage the power of 'being social'. For this reason, the custom fan page needs to be fully optimized and designed in a way to be consistent with the company's branding and be interesting. "We couldn't think of a better way to give business owners a kickstart in their viral marketing by offering a complete custom-designed and optimized Facebook FanPage and put $300 in their pocket instantly."

For additional details on the custom Facebook FanPage Makeover event, please visit http://fanpageinc.com.

About FanPageInc

24152 Lyons Ave #210
Newhall, CA
