Facebook Acquires The IPhone App Instagram

Today Facebook acquired the IPhone and Android App Instagram and announced the strategies they will be implementing with it.

Today Facebook acquired the IPhone and Android App Instagram.

Mark Zuckerberg announced today that Facebook has purchased the Android and IPhone App Instagram for $1 billion. The social network is planning to use the App to give users access to pictures that they may appreciate.

The news was announced at a business convention earlier last week that Facebook Would be buying the App but further details were not released. Zuckerberg used event equipment like pipe and drape to bring in an audience and show off what he has planned for the App.

There have been a few success stores that are connected with Instagram. One is of a girl in New York called 'Java Girl'. Through follow gram the photographer posted photos of ever increasing skill and beauty for all those on Instagram to see. This created quite a stir and her photos have become well-known throughout the world.

Instagram by itself didn't have much further to progress, and it needed the boost that Facebook will be able to offer in order to become one of the great social networking tools.

A possibility for Facebook is to combine Four-Square with Instagram in much the same way that Google maps are using people's own photos for specific locations. As people sign into an area they could post a photo of it, and then other users will have the ability to browse through the photos of that area as it appears on screen.

Facebook hasn't revealed any specific details other than users being able to view pictures that other people have taken of things they are genuinely interested in. However, this does show that businesses will have a hard time using the new App to promote them as they will have no control over what pictures users upload. This does show that Facebook is keeping things fresh by giving users the ability to try something new, which is exactly what they want.

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