EZ Rake Inventor Says: Why Swim In The Shark Tank With Investors, When You Can Raise Funding With Smaller Fish?

Former landscaper invents a better yard tool - raises initial funding with investors for patent and prototypes - but then decides to use Crowd Funding and Social Networking to get his product to market.

Having decided to forgo further shark bites from new investors, Tripp, the inventor of the EZ Rake - a patented, self-cleaning yard rake - has just launched a strategic fund-raising campaign on the popular Crowd Funding Web site called IndieGoGo.com. Crowd Funding is a platform where everyday people donate to projects they believe in, helping others raise the funding they require to make their ideas a reality.

While trying to raise a record $750,000 in 2 weeks, Tripp is offering cash incentives of more than $80,000 to those who help drive traffic to his campaign - while also trying to raise another $100,000 he wants to donate to St. Jude Children's Hospital and the Make a Wish Foundation. The average fund-raisers on Crowd Funding sites might seek $5,000-10,000 for their projects.

More information about Tripp's fund-raising campaign can be found at the link provided in the contact section of this page.

With a patent and prototypes in hand, the inventor of the EZ Rake was about to approach new investors for further funding, when he learned of the groundbreaking Crowd Funding platform. Having a background in Web design and multi-media, Tripp knew the power of Social Networking and saw an amazing opportunity to avoid further issues with new investors, while raising the funding needed to manufacture and promote his (time and back-saving) product to the market.

Whether made of plastic or metal, rakes all develop the same problem: they become clogged with debris - forcing the user to use their hands to clean the ends of their rake constantly, during the raking process. Having become frustrated with this issue as a landscaper, while doing yard work for a client one day - Tripp decided to create a solution for this problem. Of the hundreds of people who have all seen the EZ Rake, the reception is always the same: people are amazed that someone finally solved a problem they've all found to be a big nuisance when doing yard work.

Tripp not only believes he can raise the funding he needs through a rapid spread of links and referrals between many Social Networking users, but also expose those same people as future customers. If someone wants their own EZ Rake, they can help bring it to market, by contributing to Tripp's fund-raising campaign.


About Falling Leaf Innovations, Inc.

Falling Leaf Innovations, Inc.
Coronado, CA
