Exposure Events Indulges Passion for Giving Back

The President of Exposure Events discussed company leaders' shared passion for giving back to the community. He detailed a recent giveback effort and the many benefits of supporting good causes as a team.

"Our people here at Exposure Events are really passionate about supporting nonprofits that benefit the local community,” stated Jake, the firm’s President. “This commitment to giving extends from our top leaders to every level of our organization. We are always exploring new options for making a difference in the world, and we recently had the opportunity to help out a great local cause called Furkids that gets animals out of bad situations.”

Furkids is a nonprofit organization that runs the largest cage-free, no-kill shelter in the entire Southeastern U.S. Animals experience the best care in a loving environment until they are adopted into new homes. The group has rescued or improved the lives of more than 15,000 pets since it was founded in 2002. Jake explained, “We were honored to donate $300 to help provide food and shelter for neglected and abandoned animals in the area.”

The Exposure Events name has been linked with many great causes both in our area and beyond. This has made a real difference for our firm, and we have every intention of building our social awareness even further.

Jake , President

The Exposure Events team went a bit further than a monetary contribution. The President remarked, “We also adopted a puppy from Furkids, which opened up another spot at the shelter. It was basically like saving two animals’ lives at once, and it really boosted morale in the office – not only because we did something to help an animal in need, but because we made our adopted puppy our new office mascot!” Exposure Events associates were proud to welcome Spike to the team.

Exposure Events’ President Highlights the Benefits of Giving Back as a Team

 ​Jake and the rest of the Exposure Events leadership group understand that giving back offers many benefits which are intangible. The President remarked, “Our people receive major rewards from their giveback pursuits, and they most often come in the form of satisfied feelings. There is nothing quite like helping people or animals in need to fill someone’s heart with joy.” Jake has noticed significant boosts in team morale after every philanthropic effort his associates pursue.

There are also commercial advantages to giving, and Jake explained that these do not go unnoticed at Exposure Events. He commented, “We know that consumers want to support companies with strong social missions. The Exposure Events name has been linked with many great causes both in our area and beyond. This has made a real difference for our firm, and we have every intention of building our social awareness even further. We want people to know that our associates are passionate about making a positive impact on the world while they guide brands to new heights of success.”

 About Exposure Events

Exposure Events is a results-oriented organization with an established history of meeting the promotional needs of clients. Their team members design unique advertising initiatives that heighten brand awareness, engage consumers, and increase market share. By maintaining a solid track record of success, they have consistently expanded their operations and territory, gaining ever-greater proficiency in assisting their clients by creating customer connections. Having opened a number of offices, Exposure Events is constantly gaining influence with new demographics and working in a variety of industries. Their focus on staying true to their core values has allowed the firm’s representatives to distinguish themselves from their competition.

Source: Exposure Events