Exposure Events, Inc. Announces Team Promotions

Managers at Exposure Events, Inc., a premier interactive marketing firm, recently announced that two team members received promotions. Ahleah will be assuming a leadership role and Lindsy has been promoted into a management position. In addition, the firm is planning for 2016.

“We are delighted to announce that that these two associate have joined our leadership ranks and will be helping us to expand our firm during the next year,” stated Exposure Events, Inc.’s director of operations. “This is a testament to the efforts we place in building and growing our team.”

According to the director of operations, both team members were recognized for their exceptional efforts during the course of this year. “We offer advancement opportunities to individuals who demonstrate dedication to the firm’s values and who attain and surpass goals,” he shared. “It’s part of Exposure Events, Inc.’s policy. We invest greatly in helping our associates achieve success and we want to retain our best talent.”

"We offer advancement opportunities to individuals who demonstrate dedication to the firm's values and who attain and surpass goals," he shared.

In addition to Lindsy’s and Ahleah’s promotions, the director of operations highlighted the extraordinary work Patrick and Tyler have accomplished this year. “Both gentleman have demonstrated their abilities to reach milestones this year,” he said. “Their goals for next year are fairly aggressive, but I have no doubt they’ll attain them.”

Exposure Events, Inc. Offers Tips for Team Coaches During the Holidays

One of the primary benefits of working at Exposure Events, Inc. is the coaching associates receive from seasoned pros. As the director of operations cited, this time of year is a prime time for coaches to really understand the team members with whom they’re working. 

“The holidays bring an entirely new dimension to our coaching,” he explained. “There are many emotions that flow through each individual. It provides coaches with new insights into associates, such as what drives them. It also shines light on areas to which we might need to be more sensitive. Not everyone feels joyful in December, and issues that might be hidden other times of year, like depression, tend to be more prevalent.”

As the director cited, managers should take heed this time of year to help associates stay motivated and focused on work as much as possible. “Start implementing goals for next year,” he suggested. “Forward thinking helps everyone keep their eyes on the future. While you want to take time to celebrate the season, it’s also important that you maintain your operations, too.”

“Once January arrives, everyone will be back to business as usual,” he concluded. “For now, just be prepared and add some additional incentives to keep moving ahead. Happy New Year!”

About Exposure Events, Inc.

Exposure Events, Inc. is a results-oriented organization with an established history of meeting the promotional needs of clients. Their team members design unique advertising initiatives that heighten brand awareness, engage consumers, and increase market share. By maintaining a solid track record of success, they have consistently expanded their operations and territory, gaining ever-greater proficiency in assisting their clients by creating customer connections. Having opened a number of offices, Exposure Events, Inc. is constantly gaining influence with new demographics and working in a variety of industries. Their focus on staying true to their core values has allowed the firm’s representatives to distinguish themselves from their competition.

Source: Exposure Events