Exposure Events Donates to Global Charity

The President of Exposure Events detailed the firm's commitment to giving back and its recent donation to a remarkable organization. He also shared some of the benefits of corporate philanthropy.

“Helping those in need has always been a point of emphasis here at Exposure Events,” stated Jake, the company’s President. “Giving back isn’t just a talking point; it’s something about which we are truly passionate. Our team members frequently suggest causes to support, and this month we have given to CARE, which fights poverty across the globe. We are honored to contribute to this organization’s remarkable mission.”

CARE strives to help individuals and families in the poorest communities in the world. The nonprofit focuses on issues such as women’s empowerment, child hunger, clean water, and economic development. Jake and the rest of the Exposure Events executive team believe the charity is making huge impacts throughout the world, and they look forward to contributing to it in the future. “CARE is devoted to bringing about sustainable change,” Jake added. “It’s inspiring to think we can help achieve ambitious, world-transforming goals.”

"Helping those in need has always been a point of emphasis here at Exposure Events,"

Jake, President

Exposure Events’ President Discusses the Benefits of Philanthropic Pursuits

The chance to make a real difference in the world is enough reason to take part in volunteer efforts and contribute to charities. However, Exposure Events’ leadership team knows that the positives of philanthropy extend beyond a rewarding feeling. The President commented, “There are commercial benefits that come with giving back, and they provide extra incentive to organize team volunteer events and make financial donations whenever possible.”

Jake believes that recruitment receives a significant boost from an active commitment to helping those in need. He explained, “Millennials are devoted to making the world a better place, and younger generations figure to take that desire even further. Our dedication to philanthropy at Exposure Events makes our firm an ideal landing spot for talented and passionate young professionals. We are serious about impacting the world in positive ways, and that resonates with new leaders.”

Companies also earn good publicity when they support good causes. “It’s nice to have your company’s name linked with volunteering and charitable giving,” Jake added. “I know that when people see the Exposure Events team taking part in a giveback effort, they will be more likely to come to us when they need promotional services. Our reputation as a dynamic industry leader is an important one to have, but I am even prouder of being known for trying to make the world a better place.”

About Exposure Events

Exposure Events is a results-oriented organization with an established history of meeting the promotional needs of clients. Their team members design unique advertising initiatives that heighten brand awareness, engage consumers, and increase market share. By maintaining a solid track record of success, they have consistently expanded their operations and territory, gaining ever-greater proficiency in assisting their clients by creating customer connections. Having opened a number of offices, Exposure Events is constantly gaining influence with new demographics and working in a variety of industries. Their focus on staying true to their core values has allowed the firm’s representatives to distinguish themselves from their competition.

About CARE       

Founded in 1945 with the creation of the CARE Package®, CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. CARE places special focus on working alongside women and girls because, equipped with the proper resources, they have the power to lift whole families and entire communities out of poverty. That’s why women and girls are at the heart of CARE’s community-based efforts to improve education and health, create economic opportunity, respond to emergencies and confront hunger. Last year CARE worked in 95 countries and reached more than 65 million people around the world. To learn more, visit care.org.

Source: Exposure Events