Exposure Events Assesses Conference Benefits

ATLANTA, GA - Team members from Exposure Events recently returned from a conference in which they were exposed to many different elements of the industry. As a result, they have been anxious to share what they learned and the insights offered.

“These national leadership conferences offer associates so much in the way of information and tips that make an impact on their careers,” said Exposure Events’ President. “I would love to capture the energy they return with and keep it stored for later.”

For Exposure Events team member John, this was a tremendous experience. He shared his thoughts on the opportunity to attend and the knowledge he brought back to the office. “We were exposed to so much good information, especially on recruiting, training, and taking ownership,” he said. “It was inspiring.”

"These national leadership conferences offer associates so much in the way of information and tips that make an impact on their careers,"

John, Team Member

John noted that after one session, he started to rethink the recruiting process. “Recruiters need to come across as exceptionally sharp, confident, and genuine,” he said. “We are offering candidates an awesome opportunity to work for our firm. The interview should focus on giving them the chance to explain why they would deserve the given position. In doing so, we can attract and recruit top-notch talent ready to take on exciting challenges.”

John was also enthusiastic about the training opportunities that were discussed. “We have an awesome three-month training cycle for new leaders,” he exclaimed. “In essence, we train them to build other leaders over six rotation periods. This keeps our knowledge and expertise in-house.”

Perhaps John’s most powerful lesson from the conference was about taking ownership of opportunities presented. “It’s critical that we take responsibility for what happens every day, because it allows us to build our business,” he shared. “We should never strive to put forth limited efforts and work fast just to get things done. Instead, we need to dig deeper, work harder, and build a solid and confident team ready to take over the world.”

Exposure Events’ President Proclaims Benefits of Business Travel

“There’s no doubt that our Exposure Events associates truly attain benefits from these conferences,” stated the firm’s President. “Travel is one of the many perks our firm offers team members who demonstrate the ability to advance as leaders with us. The conference is one of several opportunities we have for them to get out and see the world.”

He continued, “The fresh perspectives they return with have helped our firm become more innovative. It’s clear that there are many insights that you can attain outside of your home base.”

“Simply stated, travel is not an expense,” he concluded. “It’s an investment in people who will sustain us for the future.”

About Exposure Events

Exposure Events is a results-oriented organization with an established history of meeting the promotional needs of clients. Their team members design unique advertising initiatives that heighten brand awareness, engage consumers, and increase market share. By maintaining a solid track record of success, they have consistently expanded their operations and territory, gaining ever-greater proficiency in assisting their clients by creating customer connections. Having opened a number of offices, Exposure Events is constantly gaining influence with new demographics and working in a variety of industries. Their focus on staying true to their core values has allowed the firm’s representatives to distinguish themselves from their competition.

Source: Exposure Events