Exciting Offer For Free Crochet Patterns Using Just One Skein

If you have some extra yarn laying around the house, check out our latest free eBook, One Skein Patterns: Crochet Made Simple, for some free easy crochet patterns using one skein

Did you know the immense health benefits that come from crafting? Crocheting and knitting in particular produce higher Alpha-waves, which leads to a calming effect that can help relieve stress. When crocheting, the brain is simultaneously using both hemispheres of the brain, and it is distracting your mind from the hardships of life-helping those with anxiety, post-traumatic stress, or chronic illness, according to Craftingonabudget.com. So continue your crocheting lifestyle (or don't waste any more time and start!), and keep the stress at bay with just one skein of yarn. The One Skein Patterns: Crochet Made Simple eBook is a great source of ideas that will ultimately be beneficial for your health.

Using both hemispheres of your brain is beyond beneficial to your life. Attention deficiency effects about 8 to 9 million adults in the U.S., according to add.org. Crocheting, luckily, boosts a person's aptitude at concentrating and retaining information by engaging both hemispheres of the brain. And, according to Harvard Medical School, knitting has therapeutic benefits by calming a person and helping those with hypertension, heart disease and depression. Stress isn't good for anyone, and you knew that crocheting helped to calm you, but now you know to the extent that it does, and it's reason enough to continue your favorite hobby.

Keeping that hobby alive is easy with this free eBook! One Skein Patterns: Crochet Made Simple is 18 pages of new projects to embark on. With seven one skein patterns, this will keep you busy creating a range of projects. The Cute Bunny (pg.10) is a great pattern to crochet for kids, and an easy crochet pattern like the One Skein Wrap (pg.5) is something that will keep you warm and stylish. With seven free crochet patterns to download, you have nothing to lose by beginning a new crocheting project.

To see all 7 projects and access patterns, download this free eBook at