Evolve Management Sets Goals for Growth and Development

The Director of Operations at Evolve Management outlined the team's ambitious goals for growth and productivity in 2016. She also discussed the company's continuing emphasis on leadership training.

​Company leaders at Evolve Management believe in the value of putting high benchmarks in place on a regular basis. As they open an exciting new year, this emphasis has not changed. Sara, the firm’s Director of Operations, commented, “We have a vision of rapid expansion in 2016, along with boosted profitability for our firm and the brands we promote. Our associates have already begun taking steps toward making this year the best one yet for Evolve Management.”

Sara sticks to some specific and timeless strategies when it comes to establishing aggressive goals for a new year. One method she believes in strongly is breaking large objectives into smaller pieces. She explained, “It can seem overwhelming to look at a long-term goal during the first quarter when nothing has yet been accomplished. However, if you segment that aim into gradual, actionable steps, everything seems much more within reach.”

"We believe making the leadership development process personal is a key to our success as a company,"

Sara , Director of Operations

Celebrating small achievements along the way is another approach the Director endorses. “Here at Evolve Management, we sweat the small stuff,” she remarked. “We also mark small wins in big ways. I think doing so is the best way to keep motivation at a high level and build momentum toward larger accomplishments.”

Evolve Management’s executive team understands that associates need to maintain productivity throughout the year to make good on ambitious goals. They are reminding their team members to keep their smartphones off when important tasks demand their attention, and limit distractions by scheduling windows of time during the day for checking email.

Evolve Management Maintains Commitment to Leadership Development in 2016

Sara and the rest of the Evolve Management executive team stress leadership training from a new hire’s first days. This is another point of emphasis that will continue in the new year. The Director stated, “We challenge new additions to our team to take on unfamiliar roles early in their time with us. I think it builds their adaptability, which makes them prime candidates for leadership positions.”

The firm’s leaders also use mentorship as a primary leadership training tool. Every new addition is paired with an experienced manager, who offers personalized education in the arts of motivation, organization, and customer service. “We believe making the leadership development process personal is a key to our success as a company,” Sara said. “It’s a big part of how we continue to grow and improve as industry leaders.”

About Evolve Management

Evolve Management, Inc. is an event-focused marketing and consulting services firm. They provide innovative solutions to their clients’ growth goals and objectives. The firm specializes in creating lasting, synergistic relationships between consumers and their favorite brands. In doing so, they are able to drive significantly higher brand loyalty and customer retention compared to more conventional techniques. This means consistently greater profitability for their clients. The firm’s track record has resulted in an impressive portfolio of companies ranging from innovative start-ups to Fortune 500 businesses. To learn more about how they drive their clients’ growth, visit EvolveMangementInc.com.