Evolve Management, Inc. Hiring, Seeks Sports-Minded Talent

The managers at Evolve Management, Inc., an interactive marketing firm, recently announced that they will be hiring this fall to fill several sales and marketing positions. The company is specifically seeking sports-minded talent.

​Sara, Evolve Management, Inc.’s director of operations, shared that they’ve based their company culture on lessons learned from the sporting world. “We are a team-based organization,” she said. “To be part of a team, you have to be willing to work together and pass ideas around until you finally score. This is why we seek people who understand that side of the business world.”

Competitive nature is also a driving factor in Evolve Management, Inc.’s success. “Competitive doesn’t mean cutthroat,” Sara explained. “It’s about personal best. Elite athletes are those who continually strive to play better each game. They watch the game tapes. They train in areas they know need improvement. They never rest on their laurels, even after a big win. This is the type of talent we seek to hire.”

"Competitive doesn't mean cutthroat,"

Sara , Director of Operations

“When you have individuals who collaborate with each other, and understand and support each other’s roles while also striving to improve their own games, you have the makings of a winning team,” Sara stated. “This is the formula that works for us.”

Evolve Management, Inc. Managers Share Benefits of Hiring Locally

In addition to hiring sports-minded individuals, Sara stated that Evolve Management, Inc.’s managers prefer to recruit local talent. “There are distinct benefits to recruiting individuals who already live in the geographic area, especially for a marketing role,” she said. “Of course, the easiest reason is there are no relocation expenses associated with the hire. While this might be worth the expense for a C-level manager, for a position that is open to anyone, there are always plenty of people in your neck of the woods who can rise to the challenge. This is especially true for a firm like ours in which we have a strong training program that negates the need for extensive experience.”

“The other advantage is geographic knowledge,” Sara stated. “Especially with sales and marketing, it’s a real boon if you have individuals who understand the local lingo, so to speak. Every town or region has its own special quirks that affect how messages are received. By having team members who comprehend local likes and needs, it’s easier for us to create innovative campaigns that resonate with this specific consumer base.”

“We invite any hard-working Cleveland area individuals with winning attitudes who are interested in sales and marketing careers to contact us,” Sara concluded. “We’d love to speak with you about the opportunities we will have available.”

About Evolve Management

Evolve Management, Inc. is an event-focused marketing and consulting services firm. They provide innovative solutions to their clients’ growth goals and objectives. The firm specializes in creating lasting, synergistic relationships between consumers and their favorite brands. In doing so, they are able to drive significantly higher brand loyalty and customer retention compared to more conventional techniques. This means consistently greater profitability for their clients. The firm’s track record has resulted in an impressive portfolio of companies ranging from innovative start-ups to Fortune 500 businesses. To learn more about how they drive their clients’ growth, visit EvolveMangementInc.com.