Evince Marketing Focuses on Customer Service

Customer service isn't an optional skill at Evince Marketing. The interactive marketing firm's team devotes considerable training time each month to developing their abilities to communicate with consumers.

“You can have all the glitzy advertising in the world, but if your team is unable to interact with customers, it’s game over,” said Sean, Evince Marketing’s director of operations. “For this reason, we place heavy emphasis on the necessary skills.”

Sean noted that Evince Marketing’s team is well-versed in active listening. “This is a customer service skill that delineates the pros from the amateurs,” he said. “Strong active-listening skills are different from simply hearing your customers. Active listening means being empathetic and striving to understand the other person’s point of view. With regard to customer service, you can make a significant difference in resolving issues when you determine what would be acceptable to the buyer. When you listen, you provide value to your customers’ experiences by personalizing your approach to meet their needs.”

"The next skill we work on is creative problem solving,"

Sean , Director of Operations

“The next skill we work on is creative problem solving,” Sean added. “Along with listening, this skill requires understanding the customers’ needs and desires, and putting them together with the resources you have to propose suitable options. This isn’t just limited to resolving complaints. Often, customers present needs that could translate into more sales and longer relationships. It’s about ensuring your brand will meet their requirements.”

Evince Marketing’s Director of Operations on Keys to Good Customer Service

In addition to listening and problem-solving skills, Sean stated that the Evince Marketing customer service philosophy is to make it easy, fast, and anticipatory. “Customers should never feel burdened,” Sean noted. “The more they have to wait, or the more hoops they have to jump through to receive attention, the less likely they are to return.”

“We review our system to make sure it’s fast and easy for customers to reach us,” Sean added. “Look at your website. How long does it take to find key information? If you anticipate what your customers are looking for, and put that front and center, it’s much easier for them to quickly access what they want. Their abilities to interact are impeded if they have to go through multiple pages. It leads to frustration and lost customers.”

“Ultimately, you need to think like your customers,” Sean concluded. “If you put yourself in their positions and design your customer service strategy and training based on what they have to say or how they think, you’ll find that you will enjoy sustainable relationships and lifelong business.”

About Evince Marketing

Evince Marketing is a results-based marketing and consulting services firm that offers engaging campaigns to build awareness and profitability. The company’s branding specialists provide far greater returns than other marketing methods. They have a history of helping brands large and small to reach their target markets quickly. As such, they have enjoyed a lot of growth since the start. Their strong core values have set them apart from their competitors. To learn more about their outreach services, visit EvinceMarketing.com.