Every Girl Scout Cookie Has A Mission: To Help Girls Do Great Things

The Girl Scout cookie sale is the premier source of funding for the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts and we need your support. (Boston) The Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts are gearing up once again this season to sell their famous cookie

(Boston) The Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts are gearing up once again this season to sell their famous cookies. The annual Girl Scout cookie sale kicks off in Eastern Massachusetts on Friday, December 10th, and culminates on Sunday, March 15th.

From its earliest beginnings to its current popularity, the sale of cookies has helped Girl Scouts set goals, develop people skills and learn business ethics such as money management and decision-making. Support of the Girl Scout Cookie sale allows girls and troops to fund their activities and helps the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts provide high-quality opportunities throughout the year.

One skill learned in recent years is selling cookies in a down economy. The Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts have had to become resourceful and use different methods to reach cookie lovers. A tool used to increase sales and allow the public to locate cookie sales is the online cookie locator, http://www.girlscoutseasternmass.org/. This database will assist individuals in locating a cookie booth sale in their town. Despite this new technology, the girls remain true to their roots and continue to sell cookies through referrals, phone calls and door to door. They are ever optimistic that they will be able to raise funds for their troops, while developing the necessary skills to run a small business one day.

"The activity of selling cookies is directly related to our purpose of helping all girls realize their full potential and become strong, confident, and resourceful citizens," explains Ruth N. Bramson, CEO, Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts. "The girls are proud that their efforts are the direct result of hard work, and will provide the necessary resources for their troops. Through Girl Scouting, girls become leaders in their daily lives and prepare for their bright futures" said Bramson.

Proceeds from the cookie sales also assist with recruiting and training volunteer adults to work with girls, improving and maintaining our camps, as well as keeping events, programs and camp fees for all members affordable.

With the kick off of the Girl Scout Cookie season comes two new changes to the line up, a new Girl Scout cookie with zero trans-fat and no artificial colors or preservatives known as Shout Outs, as well as an eco-friendly box found on our signature cookie, Thanks-A-lots. By changing the box the Girl Scouts will eliminate more than 150 tons of paperboard out of the waste stream, another reason to feel good about supporting the Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts cookies are only available for a limited time, so stock up while you can.


About Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts
95 Berkeley Street
Boston, MA
