Evergreen Business System Just Launched - Claims to Be Best Automated Webinar Software

Automate your Business With The Best Selling Webinar Software On The Market - Evergreen Business System.

Mike Filsaime Opens Evergreen Business System Software. See the New Software Everyone's Taking about. It's been hailed by dozens of professional internet marketers as the Best Automated Webinar Software available on the internet today.

"This software has changed the way MANY people market online. It is designed to give you maximum chance of making money fast, saving time in your business by making powerful tasks easier and building your lists faster than ever," says Co-create Mike Filsaime.

The online webinar is a widely gaining tactic for website owners to launch new products, introduce existing products and give their prospective customers a chance to learn more about what they offer. The Evergreen Business System claims to have a system that allows website owns to pre-record and easily setup online webinars that appear to be live.

While some might think this could be used in a deceitful way, Hector Yague, the main developer of the system believes otherwise. "The idea of a pre-recorded webinar is not to "cheat" your customers telling them it's a real-time webinar. The idea is to tell them it's an event, regardless of whether it's live or recorded.

When someone chooses to sign up to your event at his desired date and time, he's in the right frame of mind to absorb your marketing message because he CHOSE his best suitable date/time according to his own schedule, and thus you've got his FULL ATTENTION!

That's the strong point of pre-recorded webinars: in stead of forcing your customers to watch your video at your desired time, they do so at theirs, and that's why sales conversions are typically higher." says Hector in a forum post of a popular internet marketing forum.

So if you are looking for a complete automated webinar solution then you may want to check out the Evergreen Business System here.

Mike and Hector mention that those who purchase the Evergreen Business System during their launch will receive free upgrades for life. After which would be charged a nominal yearly fee for upgrades and a possible monthly fee for access.

Click here to Check out the Evergreen Business System and watch a video on exactly how it works

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