Eric Snell's New Book 'The Boat Ride' is an Intriguing Story About Unfulfilled Promises, Deception, and Betrayals

Eric Snell, an accomplished playwright, a producer and director of two plays and one talk show, has completed his most recent book "The Boat Ride": a moving and gripping novel that follows the tale of a bloodline who steps into unfamiliar domains and struggled through the challenges of a society that doesn't want them.

Eric writes, "The Boat Ride is a family's pilgrimage into an unknown world to do unconscionable things. Their DNA will direct us to exactly what region of the world this family journeyed. The Boat Ride tells only how this one family's bloodline lands in this country called America, unfortunately one of millions.

The many atrocities that the Black family has gone through in this country will be exemplified in The Boat Ride. The Black man, his hurts, habits, and hang-ups caused many to believe in a country through abuse, hate, anger, and greed.

The persons reading The Boat Ride will find themselves engrossed in past and current issues that have been overlooked and or disregarded not only by this country but by the world at large. Just look at the historic pictures of the human rights violations, the horrific news feed of the past beatings and hangings, and today's treatment of the Black man. The author gives you his personal thoughts on prominent individuals, government officials, and even a president. How far will a government go to destroy a person's life then deny responsibility? How far will a well-known talk show host do the same just for a story?

In The Boat Ride, you will find a story of broken promises, lies, and deceit. As you read the story, you will find a way to redeem a country and to elevate an abused people by using some of the past actions of this country and this world and by using the infallible Word of God."

Published by Fulton Books, Eric Snell's book is a true-to-reality account of the abused and isolated as the author exposes real stories behind the Black family in America.

Readers who wish to experience this fascinating work can purchase "The Boat Ride" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books