Envirosolar Take Part In 50km Charity Cycle

At 10:00am on the 12th September 2010 the Envirosolar managing team took part in a charity bike ride for Farleigh hospice.

Although the race didn't start until 10:00am the seven members of "team Enviro", decided to meet up an hour early to talk tactics at Beaulieu Park, Chelmsford. Despite attempts to discuss drafting techniques the team with no long distance cycling experience between them agreed on one team goal- finish the race.
After the team talk Team Enviro cycled the 4 miles from Beaulieu Park to the start point at Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford. The 4 mile "warm up" was a little harder than expected but the Team arrived at the start point in good shape, although a little worn out. Confidence was running through the team despite the fact that Area manager Lewis appeared to be riding a child's mountain bike and was sporting a child's bicycle helmet.
The first few miles was taken at a leisurely pace but very soon team Enviro broke up as the bike ride turned into a race to see who could finish the race first. Managing Director Martino was the hot favourite to come in first but unfortunately suffered a puncture which ruled him out of the dash for first. Eventually it was Sales Manager Cristian who finished an impressive half an hour ahead of his team mates and claimed the coveted bragging rights that came with the win. Soon though one by one team Enviro crossed the finish line and achieved their team goal set that morning before the start, legs were tired and Martino's hands a little greasy from changing a punctured bike tire but all were thrilled to have completed the race.
Although there was a competitive nature to the race it was all done in good spirits and all the while team Enviro remembered why they were racing. Farleigh hospice is an organisation which aims at helping those affected by different forms of illness and runs events like the Race for life throughout the year to help raise money for its various centres. Envirosolar's input reflects the company's growth and desire to give something back to its community. This was not Envirosolar's first Race for life and will definitely not be its last.

About Envirosolar

Unit207 the Waterhouse Business Centre
2 Cromar Way,
cm1 2qe
