Entrepreneur Launches New Web Design And Web Marketing Service

Successful entrepreneur Serge Saint-Prix, announces the launch of his new design and web marketing service with a special discount for new customers.

Successful entrepreneur Serge Saint-Prix, a businessman with decades of experience in launching new business ventures, announces his new web design and web marketing service at www.creatingweb2media.com.

To celebrate the launch of the new site, Saint-Prix is offering a 5% discount for every customer's first project.

Saint-Prix's new venture offers web design, social media marketing, copywriting, e-commerce solutions, online video marketing, web content, and more.

"Consumers search online for products and services more than ever before. If you want customers to find your business, your business needs to be online, and it needs to rank well in the search engines," according to Saint-Prix.

Creatingweb2media.com can help businesses create, improve, and market their online presence, to ensure that their business is easy to find when customers are online searching for a business or a product.

They are experienced in developing blogs with custom themes, writing blog content, and promoting the blog and driving traffic to it.

They're also experienced in the world of social media, where web surfers these days spend the majority of their time - in fact, a recent Nielsen ratings survey shows that consumers spend more time on social media sites than they spend using search functions, reading email, or reading the news.

"Businesses can not afford to ignore social media these days, and we can help businesses develop a social media marketing strategy that will drive traffic, increase brand awareness, and increase sales," according to Saint-Prix.

www.creatingweb2media.com was founded by Serge Saint-Prix, an entrepreneur with 15 years experience internet marketing as well as numerous successful offline ventures, and Nadir Saint-Prix, a talented web designer with wide-ranging experience in the corporate world.

Those seeking more information or wishing to order web design and web marketing services may visit www.creatingweb2media.com.

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SP Enterprise
215 Toleman Road,
Washingtonville, NY
