Enter:New Media Teams Up With Popular Sports Blog To Create A New Facebook Competition For Major League Baseball Teams
Online, April 12, 2012 (Newswire.com) - Leading New York City social media agency "enter:new media" ("ENM") has teamed up with popular Cleveland Indians fan blog "Did The Tribe Win Last Night?" ("DTTWLN") to launch a new online competition that pits Major League Baseball teams against each other in a season-long race to create the most fan engagement on Facebook. Initially, the competition is focused on the five teams in the American League Central Division. While enter:new media powers the tracking metrics, the DTTWLN blog is providing weekly analysis and commentary allowing fans to follow along and participate.
The competition is tracked via a standings application accessed through DTTWLN's Facebook page. Each team receives "points" for tracked fan activity attached to their Facebook posts. A more advanced aspect of the competition is relying on key principles of Facebook's Edgerank algorithm for rewarding more points for "heavier" social actions. For instance, when a team's post receives a fan "like" it gains one point, while it will be rewarded 10 points if a fan "shares" that post.
According to enter:new media President Mark Curtis, this type of competition is playing out not only for baseball teams, but for nearly all brands involved in social media. "Social engagement is critical to the success of any Facebook initiative," says Curtis. "Getting a clearer picture of how you are performing versus both your historic benchmarks and against your competitors is essential in understanding how to optimize engagement for any brand. As sport teams continue to increase their adoption of social media, this type of virtual competition is both fun for fans and valuable to social managers."
"Social media has never been a greater part of baseball or the fan experience than it is this current season, says "DTTWLN founder Ryan Hohman. "As a blog dedicated reporting and analyzing all key aspects of our team, the Cleveland Indians, it's a natural next step for us to cover the team's performance in the social sphere as well."
To view the daily updated social standings, go to the DTTWLN Facebook page (www.facebook.com/didtribewin) and click on the "social standings" button. Fans can also follow along with weekly commentary posted www.didthetribewinlastnight.com. For more information, contact Mark Curtis at enter:newmedia.com (mc@enternewmedia.com) or Ryan Hohman (rrhohman@gmail.com).
About enter:new media
ENM is a leading social media agency founded by Mark Curtis that focuses on growing, activating and optimizing social media communities for entertainment, fashion, and retail brands. Unlike other agencies offering only social media services, ENM was designed from the ground up to deliver end-to-end social media capabilities encompassing Strategy, Outreach, Content, Analytics, Marketing, and Media. Clients include Versace, Kenneth Cole, American Eagle, Urban Outfitters, Vogue, TV Guide, AMC, and AETN. Mark is also the founder and president of enter:marketing, a B2B marketing firm specializing in lead generation for the technology industry. The two agencies currently have offices in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Medellin, Colombia.
About Did The Tribe Win Last Night?
DTTWLN is a blog created by Ryan Hohman and Mike Brandyberry, with a staff of ten writers. The site launched July 1, 2011 with a mission to cover the Cleveland Indians 365 days a year. Recently, the site won the Cleveland Magazine Blogger Bracket Contest, where it was voted Best Blog in Cleveland. Since its inception, DTTWLN has interviewed various players including Carlos Santana, Jason Kipnis, Chris Perez, Vinnie Pestano, Manny Acta, Sandy Alomar Jr. and more. This season, DTTWLN has already received credentialed access to events with the Cleveland Indians, Akron Aeros, Lake County Captains and Carolina Mudcats.