England Retained the World's Most Positive Country Title

England is crowned as the world's most positive country for 2014, according to the annual global index published by Daily Positive (D+), an exclusive online media from Australia for positive news.

England is crowned as the world’s most positive country for 2014, according to the annual global index published by Daily Positive (D+), an exclusive online media from Australia for positive news.  In the fourth year of the award series, England topped the list of the world’s most positive countries for second year in a row.

The top 10 World’s Most Positive Countries for 2014 along with respective ranking points are as follows:

Country Name

Total Points





United States of America
















The top 10 positive countries for 2014 earned their places with some distinguished and diverse positive achievements throughout the year. For instance, England unveiled the world's largest aircraft, English scientists sequenced the genome of the world's oldest continuously surviving cancer, English doctors helped a paralyzed man walk again after a world first pioneering therapy that involved transplanting cells from his nasal cavity into his spinal cord, English researchers won various prestigious awards, such as, Millennium Technology Prize, Kavli Prize, Fields Medal and Noble Prize. Analysis of the comments made at the D+ global poll suggests that surviving the Scottish independence referendum and being able to remain unified with Scotland gave England that extra edge in the D+ global poll over other countries as it was seen as the toughest tests of all that any country in the list had to endure in 2014.

The rise of China seems unstoppable as it climbed one step from last year to the second position in the 2014 D+ list of most positive countries. Despite controversial human rights records, the Chinese achievements simply could not be ignored. One of the biggest achievements for China during 2014 was the large trade and cooperation deals signed with the European Union, France, Russia, Switzerland and Britain, among others. China has overtaken the United States to become the world’s largest economy based on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) measure, according to figures from the International Monetary Fund. China also launched its first experimental spacecraft that is scheduled to orbit the moon before returning to Earth. Signaling that China is firmly behind international actions to address issues, such as, illegal elephant ivory trade and wellbeing, it has seized and destroyed tons of elephant ivory accumulated through enforcement actions and banned smoking in schools with greater impact.

The United States of America (USA) is in third position in 2014. USA continued to be impressive with research and innovation according to top ranked journal publications. However, this year they faced some steep competitions from Europe and Asia. Its efforts in Africa against the ongoing Ebola outbreak were hugely approving among the D+ global poll participants. D+ external expert panel members repeatedly recognized USA for its recent stable economic growth, decline in unemployment figures and steady foreign aids.

In 2014 Switzerland moved up into the fourth position in the list from seventh last year with its robust economy. According to data published by World Economic Forum, Switzerland retained its crown as the world’s most competitive economy for the sixth year in a row. Apart from that, Science and Sports are the next two categories where Switzerland has shined with positive achievements.  According to D+ external expert panel members, Switzerland was able to depict a sustained model of development with well-balanced economies between industries and Research and Development (R&D) investments, a developed democracy and excelling education systems, an effective government and political stability and appealing life style.

Australia slid down to fifth position in 2014 list of most positive countries. Australia has attempted to improve relationship with its neighboring countries as well as with its larger trade partners, such as, India, Japan, China and South Korea in an effort to maintain a solid and sustaining economy. Also, creation of a smartphone-linked bionic pancreas, winning Microsoft Imagine Cup with eye-scanning health app Eyenaemia, making a unique kit containing 3D-printed body parts for medical schools, producing the world's most sensitive thermometer and in a world first, transplanting human hearts which had stopped are some of the other notable Aussie achievements.

Sweden advanced two steps to Sixth position in 2014. Among its different positive achievements, medical research stories kept Sweden exceling throughout the year. In particular, doctors in Sweden not only transplanted wombs into nine women donated from relatives but also in a medical first helped a woman to give birth to a baby boy with the help of a transplanted womb.  Seventh placed Germany won the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil and became the first European team to clinch the championship in South America. Germany continued to increase electricity generation from renewable sources and continued to maintain its integrity as a world-class manufacturer.

Japan made it back to the list of most positive countries in 2014 and is in eighth position. Japan in 2014 ranked as the most efficient country in the Asia and Pacific region at turning creative inputs into tangible innovation, made notable progress in stem cells research, unveiled more advanced robots including world's first personal robot that can read human emotions, won Nobel Prize in Physics and attempted to increase the export of local products with the help of trade deals including free trade agreement with Australia. France is another country that returned to the list in 2014. France was able to increase cooperation with international communities in form of aid and trade deals, attracted a record-breaking 84.7 million tourists and won Nobel Prizes in Literature and Economic Science.

Brazil became the first ever South American country to make it to the list of world’s most positive countries. Brazil has emerged as a regional leader and established itself as an exemplary democracy in the region. Brazil gained world’s admiration by hosting an impressive football world cup. The world cup brought economic growth in the country by means of infrastructures, stadiums, airports and tourism despite some unsatisfactory circumstances.

There are three changes in 2014 from last year’s list of most positive countries. Canada, South Korea and New Zealand did not attract enough of our 3189 global poll participants with 64% men and 36% female. According to the 2014 global poll result, World Peace, Economy, Science and Innovation, Education, International Relation, Environment and Sports were the most popular choice of positive accomplishments among both men and women participants. Other topics of interest were Space Exploration, Better Public Services, Freedom of Speech, Tourism and Response to World Medical Emergencies.

Further analysis on the top three popular choices of positive accomplishments - World Peace, Economy and Science and Innovation - against different age groups suggests individuals belonging to Middle Ages were more vigilant about Economy than others. On the other hand older generation was more interested into World Peace and younger generation was captivated by Science and Innovation.

D+ top ten world’s most positive countries attracted supports from all around the world in our global poll. It was interesting to see the trends in supports by dividing the poll results into five major geographical regions and collecting a subset where individuals voted for a country different than their nationalities. For instance, Brazil attracted huge supports from Europe and the USA charmed the Asians including some endorsements from the Middle East.

Finally, we analyzed the comments made during global polls in 2014 and in all past three years of D+ world’s most positive countries initiatives. It is found that the overall percentage of people hopeful for a positive future was steadily growing with an exception for this year where it dropped slightly compared to last year.

D+ will present these and other observations in details at a presentation ceremony on 25 November 2014 at the University of Melbourne, Australia.

The nations outside of the 2014 list of most positive countries also achieved some significant height. India successfully put a satellite into orbit around Mars, becoming the fourth country to do so and the first nation to arrive on its first attempt and the first Asian country to reach the Red Planet. Nigeria has overtaken South Africa as Africa's largest economy after a rebasing calculation nearly doubled its Gross Domestic Product. Nigeria has also shown the world a way to stop Ebola epidemic. In Bangladesh, thanks to a series of measures taken over the last couple of decades more girls are now continuing their education at the secondary level as enrollment of girls has risen to over 6 million from 1.1 million in 1991. While speaking of girl’s education, Iranian Professor Maryam Mirzakhani was awarded the 2014 Fields Medal, the most prestigious honor in mathematics, for her highly original contributions to the fields of geometry and dynamical systems and became first woman to win the prize, which was established in 1936.