Enchanting Dentistry Employs New Cone Beam Imaging Technology for Patients

Dr. Anette Middelhof, owner and lead dentist at Enchanting Dentistry in Plantation, FL, has announced the addition of cone beam imaging technology to the practice. While this is a relatively new technology to the field of dentistry, it is already making headlines as being a revolutionary way for dental care providers to diagnose and treat oral issues and problems.

Dental staff members at Enchanting Dentistry are now able to gather more detailed, accurate information by using 3-D imaging, thanks to the new cone beam technology. This allows care providers to visualize all of the structures of the teeth, face, and jaw in any given field, as opposed to interpreting less accurate and less detailed 2-D information.

This new cone beam tomography uses radiation in a manner that is similar to conventional x-rays; however, the difference between the two is that the cone beam images are converted into a three-dimensional view. A variety of dental applications can benefit from this advancement, including orthodontic, orthognathic TMJ, implant, and a variety of diagnostic applications as well.

The cone beam technology can be likened to CAT scan imaging in medicine; the new technology uses a cone-shaped beam that is directed at a detector, which rotates around the patient’s mouth. While CAT scans are used in medicine and are not applied to dental practices, the cone beam imaging can be. The images are created from hundreds of slices of information that are assembled by software programs into the 3-D views that Dr. Middelhof uses. Data can be used for comprehensive diagnostic analysis, pre-surgical planning, and more.

The use of 3D cone beam imaging is completely painless for patients, and it is fast and simple to perform. A single scan requires the patient to sit still for only about ten seconds; this scan enables Dr. Middelhof and her team at Enchanting Dentistry to quickly view computer-generated images of the bones in the face, the teeth, and many other details not just in 3-D, but also in color.

Dr. Middelhof stays current on the latest advancements in dentistry in order to provide patients with accurate, effective, and comfortable dental care. Founding Enchanting Dentistry in 2007, she employs the use of several ground-breaking technologies in addition to the cone beam imaging for patients. For more information on Enchanting Dentistry and the new cone beam 3D technology.

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