Emphasys WebApp Sets Single Day Record

Emphasys WebApp, a software solution that lets public housing authorities accept applications to their waiting lists online, accepted nearly 8,800 applications in a single day at the Inkster Housing Commission in Inkster, Michigan.

The PHA division of Emphasys Software (Emphasys) announced today that their WebApp, a solution that lets public housing authorities accept applications to their waiting lists online, accepted nearly 8,800 applications in a single day. While other housing authorities using a competitor's solution faced challenges, Emphasys and the Executive Director were pleased with how WebApp performed for the Inkster Housing Commission in Inkster, Michigan. "We contracted with Emphasys in late March. In a matter of a couple of days we went from a test system to a full deployment of a customized preliminary application for the Inkster Housing Commission. Though we didn't anticipate anywhere near the volume of applications we actually received in a single day, Emphasys delivered on-time and made sure the system performed flawlessly," said Tony Love, Executive Director of the Inkster Housing Commission. This isn't the largest amount of applications accepted online by WebApp - Miami Dade Public Housing Agency set that record with over 75,000 in just under a month - but it is a single-day record.

High Performance Solutions Aren't Natural--
"A few years ago, we read about a housing authority in Illinois that had their online process fail because of high loads," remarked Chris Lema, Vice President of Software Development for Emphasys Software. "We knew at that point that ease of use and the ability to support multi-lingual applications were only part of the equation. High performance solutions aren't natural. You have to specifically design them to support high concurrent traffic."

It's an issue of Focus--
Over the last two years, Emphasys has started offering not only WebApp for clients, but also hosting - ensuring that customers can stop worrying about high traffic peaks on their own network infrastructure. "After all," said Larry Huckle, PHA's division General Manager, "our customers are focused on helping their communities, not on the intricacies of server configuration or maintenance."

2500% Better than Expected--
"We were really pleased with yesterday's performance," stated Lema. "We added some additional monitoring because our customer wasn't clear on traffic. High loads can affect that application's performance, but also any of the numerous other clients that we provide hosting for. This client estimated 300 applications would come in. Clearly everyone was surprised when the total was over 25 times that."