Emblazon Events Sets Sights High in End-of-Year Goals

The Emblazon Events team has recently completed goal-planning efforts for the final quarter of the year. According to Brooke Allison, the company's president, their sights are set high.

​The team at the sales and marketing firm has long had a reputation for being ambitious. Members have developed many extremely successful and recognizable promotions for the brands they represent. Brooke Allison indicated that this is largely driven by their unwillingness to settle. The Emblazon Events crew has shown this commitment in their goals for the end of the year.

“We’ve never been complacent,” Brooke Allison stated. “My personal belief is that team members achieve more when they are working toward ambitious goals. The secret is in finding the balance between goals being challenging and being attainable. Getting the right mix is hard but can be very motivating for everyone involved.”

"The difference between good businesses and great ones is training,"

Brooke Allison, Company President

She asserted that all professionals want to be great at their jobs. However, without clear direction or with tasks that are too easy, many lose their motivation. Therefore, she has created an in-depth goal-setting protocol the entire team uses. It starts with writing down goals that are specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic, and time-explicit.

“That last criterion is the failure point for many planners,” Brooke Allison indicated. “They neglect to set deadlines for achieving their goals. Fortunately, at Emblazon Events, everyone knows they have to adhere to specific timelines. Following that, it is essential to create a clear plan of attack that can be executed step by step. Monitoring along the way is also important.”

Emblazon Events President Discusses the Importance of Training

It is clear in its goal-setting practices that the Emblazon Events team is a well-oiled machine. Brooke Allison revealed that continuous learning is a central theme of their human resources practices. She indicated that teaching soft skills is an important part of how they compete. For example, she makes sure that every associate can think strategically and see how the company’s operations fit together.

“It’s important for people to start learning how we operate from day one,” she explained. “I think every team member should be able to understand how his or her work fits into the overall plan. A big part of how we achieve this is through one-on-one coaching with veteran team members. This gives excellent insight and context to our associates who are just getting their starts.”

She also highlighted teamwork and collaboration as important aspects of their training practices. According to Brooke Allison, every campaign is produced by a full team of branding specialists. They have to work as a singular unit toward a common goal.

“The difference between good businesses and great ones is training,” Brooke Allison concluded. “When team members know how to work together, they are almost guaranteed to succeed.”

 Emblazon Events, a Premier Event-Based Marketing Firm

Emblazon Events is an industry-leading marketing and promotional events firm. Their innovative event-based campaigns are designed to build meaningful relationships between consumers and their favorite brands. Through engaging consumer engagements, Emblazon Events helps their clients build brand visibility and stand out. By leveraging its simple, but effective, training program, Emblazon Events has established a team of talented, motivated individuals who get results for the companies they represent. To learn more about how they how their clients’ brand grow, visit emblazoneventsoc.com.