Elite Performance Marketing Returns From Seminar Sharpened

The best from Elite Performance Marketing attended a quarterly conference, where they heard from and met the industry's most accomplished pros. Matt B., the firm's director, discussed how they will grow from the event.

“Those who attended had to qualify to get there, and I’m incredibly proud of everyone who went,” Matt said of his fellow Elite Performance Marketing attendees. Matt and his crew learned best practices from leaders in the sales marketing field, and networked with top producers from across North America. These connections will benefit the firm for years to come.

Matt often looks for ways to encourage his group to form strong contacts both in and out of the office. While Elite Performance Marketing’s leaders sponsor group and team-building events, travel is one of the best tools Matt has found to create engaged, unified team members. “I believe the most effective way to foster a winning firm is by forming a core of unique people who are at ease merging their efforts toward a common goal. Trips help me achieve that goal.”

"There's something almost magical that happens when you leave a familiar environment,"

Matt , Director

Elite Performance Marketing’s Director Shares Multiple Benefits of Corporate Travel

Matt recognizes that the current economic climate is erratic at best, and understands why some leaders consider trips to be unwarranted expenses. He thinks this is a short-sighted view, however, considering how much professionals and companies stand to gain. For example, watching practiced pros present in person gives associates a chance to observe nonverbal and visual cues they would definitely miss from a strictly audio lecture, and might not even see in a video playback. For companies like Elite Performance Marketing, such a learning opportunity is essential.

Also, getting away for the weekend helps keep people energized. “We work hard at Elite Performance Marketing, so when we have a chance to relax I know we’ve earned it,” Matt stated. Not only do weekend events help his people recharge their batteries, but a novel locale encourages innovative thinking.

“There’s something almost magical that happens when you leave a familiar environment,” Matt concluded. “You let down your guard and present a more authentic version of yourself to the people you meet. When you travel with co-workers, friendships are made that might not have blossomed in any other way. These relationships make for more engaged people and effective teamwork. Even without the other benefits, this makes travel worthwhile. I have no doubt that it is imperative to our success.”

About Elite Performance Marketing

Elite Performance Marketing is a leading interactive sales and marketing provider. The firm’s executives create professionally-executed promotional campaigns that allow consumers to uniquely experience the benefits of the products they represent. Their fresh approach to advertising ensures that brands maximize their growth potential and achieve their sales and marketing goals faster. Elite Performance Marketing’s team of brand ambassadors are well-versed in their powerful outreach techniques to ensure measurable results every time. To learn more about how this company is revolutionizing advertising, visit eliteperformancemarketinginc.com.