Elite Movement Management Group Attends National Conference

Select team members from Elite Movement Management Group recently attended the national quarterly conference. Event participants learned about leadership techniques and the benefits of strong communication skills.

Its always a pleasure to send team members to these national conferences, Jenna, Elite Movement Management Groups director, cited. When they return, theyre so enthusiastic and ready to share their new knowledge. I have personally learned so much about leadership from the industry influencers present. Its a great experience all around.

"These conferences feature discussions led by industry experts,"

Jenna, Director

Jenna explained that team members are selected to attend based on their ability to reach specific milestones. We encourage associates to work hard and achieve goals, she said. We also look for other signs that team members are ready to advance to leadership roles. For example, we monitor how well they collaborate with other team members. We take note of associates who help new individuals learn the ropes.

One of the key benefits of the national conference is the opportunity to gain additional knowledge. “These conferences feature discussions led by industry experts,” Jen noted. “Participants listen to their speeches, join in conversations about important dynamic marketing issues, and learn different techniques and approaches. They always return with at least one great idea we can implement company-wide.”

Elite Movement Management Group Managers Discuss Benefits of Strong Communication Skills

Jenna stated that communication skills are among the topics discussed at the event. Everyone benefits from strong communication, she said. In this field, we make connections. Therefore, we are always refining these skills.

“It’s not just about what you say. It’s also how you convey messages that matter,” Jenna explained. “When we train on communication, we focus on knowing the audience members and their needs. We work on delivery methods, including body language. Your face and hands say a lot about your sincerity. If you’re hiding behind a podium and reading from a sheet of paper, you can’t expect your audience to take you seriously. If you’re smiling, standing up straight, and speaking naturally, like you’re having a conversation with a friend, you engage people.”

Two-way communication is also important, and Jenna said that the team learns about reading nonverbal cues. “It’s important to note what others are saying by their body language,” she said. “If someone’s arms are crossed, it could mean he or she has objections. This is the time to stop and ask questions. Listen more than you speak.”

“At Elite Movement Management Group, we want every associate to succeed,” Jenna stated. “Communication is where we can all start. The rest falls into place from there.”

About Elite Movement Management Group 

Elite Movement Management Group is a results-oriented consulting and promotional services firm. The companys dynamic group of marketing managers specialize in the creation and delivery of interactive campaigns that are guaranteed to increase brand visibility, public engagement, and market saturation. The teams reputation for industry success has allowed for significant growth, and they are fully capable of scaling their services to meet the various outreach needs of small and large businesses alike. A dedication to positivity, bold visions, focus, accountability, and extraordinary teamwork separates Elite Movement Management Group from its competitors, and the firm will continue to expand well into the future.