Elite Edge Management Focuses End-of-Year Goals on Training

The Elite Edge Management team has made training a major focus of its goals for the end of 2015. Kevin D., the company's president, indicated that this investment into team development is expected to pay off greatly in the coming year.

​According to Kevin, the Elite Edge Management reputation for producing high-quality campaigns relies greatly on its team’s abilities. As such, continual learning is a high priority for the sales and marketing firm’s experts. The team has placed special emphasis on development for the remainder of the year, based on the idea that they have to keep innovating to stay ahead.

“In our industry, the name of the game is innovation,” Kevin asserted. “It means that we can never get complacent with where we are. Each successful campaign is great, but if we don’t find ways to keep being better, we will eventually fall behind. This is why training and skill development is so important to us.”

"In our industry, the name of the game is innovation,"

Kevin , Company President

He added that many of the key learning points in their team development strategy are softer skills. For example, the focus of a recent workshop was listening. Kevin explained that a lot of business education helps people become better speakers; however, very little effort is put into better listening.

“We also focus a lot on helping team members work better together,” he continued. “A large part of the professional world is simply about working effectively as a group. We want to make sure the Elite Edge Management group is always on the same page whenever producing a campaign. Our associates need to communicate and collaborate in order to succeed.”

Elite Edge Managements President Discusses Goal Setting

Kevin revealed that Elite Edge Management team’s goal-setting practices, much like their focus on training, are central aspects of their competitive strategy. Many organizations have a solid vision but fail to translate that into meaningful, actionable goals, he stated. That’s why he is careful to place high emphasis on the importance of good goal-setting practices.

“All our branding specialists want to come together to do an excellent job,” he elaborated. “The key is giving them goals that will guide and motivate them. We take this process on as a team in order to ensure company-wide buy-in. We also make sure to write everything down. Our goals are broken into lists for short-term and long-term purposes.”

“Goal setting is very important,” he said. “I can’t see any situation in which a group can succeed without clearly defined objectives. Not taking the time to plan out specific goals is probably the most common mistake in business. Our methodology has helped us knock it out of the park more times than not.”

 About Elite Edge Management

Elite Edge Management is a marketing firm focused on results through better customer engagement. The team has many years of practice helping brands build their market shares. Their dynamic form of lead generation is centered on creating campaigns that demand attention. Their work is backed by a network of partner resources that provide the widest reach possible. As such, they have earned the trust and business of many brands. To learn more about their exciting approach to lead generation, visit EliteEdgeManagement.com.

About Elite Edge Management

Elite Edge Management uses unique outreach methods and comprehensive lead generation strategies to provide consistent growth to top brands.

Elite Edge Management
800 N. Swan Road , #Suite 124
Tucson, AZ


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