Elite Avenue Attends Quarterly Conference, Has Hiring Plans

The team from Elite Avenue recently returned from the company's quarterly national conference. Members are looking forward to incorporating the knowledge they gained at the event, ahead of their upcoming hiring push.

“We enjoy going to the quarterly conferences,” said Raymond, Elite Avenue’s CEO. “There is so much good information available. Each conference offers a different theme and plenty of chances to expand our knowledge of best practices in dynamic marketing.”

Raymond described how Elite Avenue team members learned new techniques from industry leaders who were present. “The presenters truly inspired us to believe that we can achieve even higher goals,” he said. “We came back energized and renewed in our determination to raise the bar for our team.”

"The presenters truly inspired us to believe that we can achieve even higher goals,"

Raymond, CEO

“The other beneficial aspect of this training is the chance to network with people from other regions,” he added. “My team and I met people from all over the country. We discussed and shared best practices with each other. It’s always good when you can meet others who have had common experiences and brainstorm solutions.”

As Raymond noted, “We eagerly look for opportunities to travel, because it strengthens our team bonds. I realize many business leaders see travel as a luxury. We feel that it bolsters our success. It allows us to explore new areas and gain new insights. The value we enjoy is far greater than the expense.”

Elite Avenue Managers Announce Hiring Opportunities

Elite Avenue is growing steadily, which is why Raymond announced that he will be expanding the team. “We’re happy to share that our firm has experienced exceptional growth,” he said. “As a result, we will have several sales and marketing positions open.”

Raymond described that leadership is looking for young professionals who are career oriented. “We have a progressive advancement policy at our firm,” he explained. “Our seasoned professionals work carefully with our new associates to help them understand the fundamentals of our dynamic marketing methods. As these associates learn and grow to assume more responsibility, they also become more proficient at meeting milestones. This is when we know they’re ready for leadership.”

“We invite motivated, results-driven, positive candidates to contact us,” concluded Raymond. “As you can see, we have perks like travel, coupled with comprehensive training and growth opportunities. If this is something that appeals to you, we’d like to discuss the opportunities available. It’s a great career, one that can be long lasting and incredibly fulfilling.”

About Elite Avenue

Elite Avenue is a full-service consulting and marketing services firm specializing in event-based marketing campaigns that empower clients to develop brand loyalty and repeat business. Utilizing progressive communication channels and cutting edge research, this team of account executives develops lasting relationships between their clients and consumers, resulting in superior return on investment compared to more conventional marketing media. By repeatedly delivering outcomes above and beyond expectations, the firm has been earned the trust and respect of a broad portfolio of clients. 

About Elite Avenue

Elite Avenue's talented executives use exciting on-site sales campaigns to quickly enhance profitability for brands.

Elite Avenue
5101 NW 21st Ave , #Suite 350
Fort Lauderdale, FL


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