Elevation Events, Inc. Gives to Good Cause, Unites Team

The Director of Operations for Elevation Events, Inc. detailed a recent giveback event that brought the company's team members closer together. He also shared a few tips for making a real impact through philanthropy.

“Here at Elevation Events, Inc., we believe in the team-building benefits of giving back to the community,” stated Jeremey, the firm’s Director of Operations. “Our associates help a variety of organizations both local and global, and we are currently donating to the Soles4Souls campaign.” Soles4Souls is a global nonprofit committed to fighting poverty by collecting and distributing shoes and clothing.

Jeremey continued, “We are raising money and collecting shoes for the cause. Halfway through the month we have already gathered close to 75 pairs of shoes in our office. We look forward to contributing many more before the end of November.” Soles4Souls has distributed over 26 million pairs since it was founded in 2006, and the Elevation Events, Inc. team feels honored to be helping advance the cause.

"At Elevation Events, Inc., we look to support many charities locally by donating our time and assistance and our goal is to continue our philanthropic efforts into 2017."

Jeremey, Director of Operations

The Director knows that giving back to those in need is one of the best ways to bring professionals closer together. He remarked, “Our Elevation Events, Inc. associates get fresh perspectives on their work and the world at large when they take part in philanthropic efforts. There’s something special about helping people as a group that really bolsters understanding and collaboration, and we see those positive results after every one of our giveback events.”

Elevation Events, Inc.’s Director of Operations Offers Tips for Effective Philanthropy

Jeremey and the rest of the Elevation Events, Inc. leadership team understand the importance of finding the right cause to support. “I think it’s imperative that you find an organization or cause about which you are truly passionate,” the Director said. “You also need to be sure that whatever nonprofit you support aligns with your company’s core values and larger mission.” Jeremey believes it is much easier to engage team members in philanthropy if these conditions are met with every giveback pursuit. “It requires careful research to home in on the right causes, but it’s well worth the effort.”

The Director also believes it’s important to go beyond financial contributions whenever possible. “There are so many worthy organizations that need more than just financial assistance,” he added. “At Elevation Events, Inc., we look to support many charities locally by donating our time and assistance and our goal is to continue our philanthropic efforts into 2017.”

About Elevation Events, Inc.

Elevation Events, Inc. is a driving force in the sales and marketing sector. The team’s dynamic promotions bring products and people together for lasting brand success. Their creative thinking, strategic skills, and rich pool of talents enable the firm to rise above the competition in a highly complex marketing landscape. Guided by a core set of values, individualized coaching, and extensive training, the firm’s team members are armed with the expertise to achieve outreach excellence. Find out what they’re doing now by visiting elevationeventsinc.com.

Source: Elevation Events, Inc.