Elevation Events, Inc. Eyes Year-End Goals, Extols Values

Elevation Events, Inc.'s Director of Operations outlined the firm's goals for the rest of 2016. He also outlined the company's core values and the advantages of interactive marketing.

As they work toward their ambitious goals, the leaders at Elevation Events, Inc. maintain a sharp focus on future success. “We know better than to sit and rest on our laurels,” stated Jeremey, the firm’s Director of Operations. “No matter how well things are going for us, we are committed to aiming even higher and delivering wins for the brands we represent.”

The Director is ready to solidify the Sacramento market even further during the remainder of 2016. He explained, “We are growing rapidly, but I want to keep adding new brands to our portfolio. I am also looking forward to adding fresh faces to our existing group. We will be looking for ambitious people who are committed to constant improvement as we fill out the Elevation Events, Inc. team and take full advantage of the fantastic Sacramento market.”

"We believe growth is only possible through the right training, so we stress communication skills, self-discipline, and intrinsic motivation as we prepare our people to reach potential customers."

Jeremey, Director of Operations

Company leaders stress a few core values when they hire new associates and pursue big goals. Jeremey stated, “Everyone is valuable here at Elevation Events, Inc., and we can’t move forward as an organization unless everyone is on board. We look for devoted team players when we recruit new talent, and we offer unlimited growth to attract the brightest candidates. There are no stagnant positions here. As a business, we are definitely not the norm.” Those who work hard and learn new things every day have clear paths to advancement at Elevation Events, Inc.

Elevation Events, Inc.’s Director of Operations Discusses the Benefits of Dynamic Marketing

The executive team at Elevation Events, Inc. believes the personal touch is increasingly rare in the marketing world. Jeremey commented, “This is why we emphasize personalized, interactive promotional campaigns. They offer a human personality and a real-time explanation of why a product is right for the customer.” The Director explained why he appreciates having the chance to answer people’s questions on the spot and ease any concerns they might have.

There are some specific skills Elevation Events, Inc. leaders focus on when training their associates in dynamic marketing. The Director stated, “We believe growth is only possible through the right training, so we stress communication skills, self-discipline, and intrinsic motivation as we prepare our people to reach potential customers. No one comes into this industry ready-made, so we do our best to learn as much about each team member’s unique talents and then build upon them.” Elevation Events, Inc. benefits from having a group of self-motivated professionals who are devoted to continuous improvement.

About Elevation Events, Inc.

Elevation Events, Inc. is a driving force in the sales and marketing sector. The team’s dynamic promotions bring products and people together for lasting brand success. Their creative thinking, strategic skills, and rich pool of talents enable the firm to rise above the competition in a highly complex marketing landscape. Guided by a core set of values, individualized coaching, and extensive training, the firm’s team members are armed with the expertise to achieve outreach excellence. Find out what they’re doing now by visiting elevationeventsinc.com.

Source: Elevation Events