Edmonton's Jesse Willms To Sponsor 10 Students Through The Flight Plan Coaching Program

Jesse Willms helps students prepare for their futures with a unique coaching program

Local businessman and renowned philanthropist, Jesse Willms, has decided to work with the Flight Plan coaching program to help prepare 10 high school students for the business world.

"I wish I had had access to this type of help when I was starting out," Willms said. "I would have been more prepared for the business world and made fewer mistakes along the way. I'm glad to help the next generation prepare for the future."

Jesse Willms started his first business in his basement when he was 16 years old. By the time he was 22 he had turned it into a multimillion-dollar operation. Last year he was inspired by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to start giving back to the community. Since then he has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to charity and dozens of hours of his time to non-profit groups.

The Flight Plan program was started by one of Brian Tracy's certified Focal Point business coaches. Its goal is to help students figure out what kinds of jobs they are suited for, and then teach them how they can successfully enter and become successful in their chosen fields.

Jesse is just one of many people that are helping the entire graduating class of Ardrossan High School receive access to Flight Plan. Each sponsored student from Ardrossan High School will get access to the following mentoring and coaching materials:

• An online career planning insights assessment - an invaluable tool that provides potential career paths the individual should consider based on their behavioral style.
• An educational video explaining the assessment and how to apply the reported results in their life.
• Access to the Flight Plan: Graduation & Beyond, a 60-minute, life-changing presentation. Topics include how changing your thinking can change your life, the power of choice, and how to construct written goals effectively and consistently.
• Weekly, on-going, educational, and motivational follow-up support through social media from their certified coach to hold the students accountable on their path to success.

"This is the type of program that has been shown time and time again to make a difference in the lives of young people," Willms said. "It not only prepares them business; it can also motivate them to avoid the dangerous temptations of adolescence."

They are 46 percent less likely to do drugs, 27 percent less likely to drink, 33 percent less likely to get into fights and 53 percent less likely to skip school, according to a recent study sponsored by Proctor & Gamble.

"Helping these students is very important to me," Willms said. "If we all came together to make sure every student in Canada was part of a coaching or mentoring program, it would benefit all of our businesses and help protect our children."