Edge Promotions Donates and Volunteers to Benefit Community

Edge Promotions' leaders are committed to building a better community. They believe this goal is best achieved through philanthropic giving and providing volunteer resources to local nonprofit organizations.

​As Edge Promotions’ director of operations Sahil stated, “Service to the community is woven into the fabric of our firm. As leaders, it is our duty to help those around us thrive. To that end, we provide both financial and human resources to those in need.”

“There are so many assets businesses like us can bring to a community,” he continued. “For example, we donate money to agencies so they can buy supplies they could not otherwise afford. Furthermore, if companies combine their resources, we can fund large projects that are lacking.”

"As we at Edge Promotions look to the future, we plan to expand our service to the community. We will participate in more events that benefit area nonprofits,"

Sahil , Director of Operations

Edge Promotions’ leaders also allow their team members to volunteer their time during work hours to help nonprofits. As Sahil explained, “When our people serve lunch at a soup kitchen or assist at fundraising events, they provide the needed staffing for the organization. This involvement has also improved the morale and strengthened the spirit of teamwork among our people.”

This corporate culture also attracts a large pool of young talent. Many millennials want to work for firms with teams who value philanthropy and social responsibility.

Edge Promotions’ Philanthropic Activities Prompt Involvement by More Companies 

Edge Promotions’ generosity has not gone unnoticed by other businesses. As Sahil explained, “When we contribute to area nonprofits, it serves to prime the pump. In other words, when business leaders see how much we help these local organizations, they often contribute as well.”

Sahil hopes many more firms will become involved. The additional resources will go much further in assisting the nonprofit groups.                                                                                           

Edge Promotions Sees Benefits to the Company as a Result of Their Commitment to Philanthropy and Volunteerism

Edge Promotions’ giveback has produced many unexpected benefits for the firm. “When we first committed to serving our community, we did it simply because it is the right thing to do. Our decision was not cynical or calculated to increase revenue,” Sahil stated, “We were pleasantly surprised when we realized that it has had a positive effect on our bottom line.”

There are many reasons for this return on investment. The Edge Promotions brand is more visible. It is also associated with philanthropy and community service. This perception has given the company a competitive advantage. 

Team members have also connected with government officials and community leaders through these activities. They will partner on future projects with these contacts to grow their philanthropy.

“As we at Edge Promotions look to the future, we plan to expand our service to the community. We will participate in more events that benefit area nonprofits,” Sahil announced.

About Edge Promotions

Edge Promotions is a results-oriented, full-service marketing firm that specializes in on-site promotional campaigns. The firm’s unique messaging is perfectly targeted to its clients’ ideal audiences, resulting in substantial investment returns every time. Furthermore, the team strives to build strong connections between brands and consumers, building repeat business and long-term profitability. Their dynamic group of brand ambassadors are always ready to deploy new initiatives within just weeks. Through their track record of success, the company has earned the trust, respect, and loyalty of a diverse portfolio of organizations. To learn more about their unique event-based promotions, visit EdgePromotions.com.