Edge Promotions Attends Quarterly Conference

Members of Edge Promotions attended a quarterly conference in Texas. The company's director of operations discussed how the team's networking activities enable them to develop valuable professional relationships.

“Our trip to the event was a success,” said Sahil, Edge Promotions’ director of operations. “We had the opportunity to attend some inspiring presentations. We even took some time off to have a bit of fun. Most importantly, our team members made some great business contacts which will pay off in the near future.”

The executives at Edge Promotions see the value in networking, which is why the company had such a large showing at this event. “It’s occasions like these that allow our associates to meet such an array of industry experts,” said Sahil. “We can learn so much from the expertise these influential icons provide, plus we are able to develop longer-term relationships with them. Our team can readily apply their new knowledge to our promotions as soon as they return to the office, so our customers will reap the rewards as well.”

"It's occasions like these that allow our associates to meet such an array of industry experts,"

Sahil, Director of Operations

In addition to acquiring fresh professional knowledge, networking helps individuals develop their careers. “When you meet people who have had years of experience, you become motivated and inspired,” said the director. “In many cases, these new contacts are more than happy to mentor our team members. Career development is much more than training classes and seminars. Real-world experience can teach our people so much more. That’s why we encourage it.”

Edge Promotions’ Leadership Utilizes Travel to Foster Networking and Team Building

Though the use of apps and social media enables teams to work together remotely, the executives at Edge Promotions value site-based events to foster strong relationships. “We promote a team-based culture, so we believe it’s important for our people to meet and socialize together,” said Sahil. “That’s why traveling to a conference or an off-site meeting is important to us. We have objectives to achieve during these events, but we also put aside some time to relax and have fun.”

Edge Promotions’ management provides regular travel opportunities to conferences and training events. In addition, incentive trips are offered to high-performing associates. “Some of our travel is to well-known places. Other trips are a bit more exotic,” said Sahil. “In both cases, our team members are always on the lookout for new contacts. We have gained new customers and we have established partnerships while our people have been on the road. If we had been working in the office the whole time, these opportunities never would have presented themselves.”

About Edge Promotions

Edge Promotions is a results-oriented, full-service marketing firm that specializes in on-site promotional campaigns. The firm’s unique messaging is perfectly targeted to its clients’ ideal audiences, resulting in substantial investment returns every time. Furthermore, the team strives to build strong connections between brands and consumers, building repeat business and long-term profitability. Their dynamic group of brand ambassadors are always ready to deploy new initiatives within just weeks. Through their track record of success, the company has earned the trust, respect, and loyalty of a diverse portfolio of organizations. To learn more about their unique event-based promotions, visit EdgePromotions.com.